Wednesday, April 20, 2005


todAy was a relax dAy fOr me~ nO study prOgramme, haha.. i need some rest, tried after all those wOrks n hEats ytd.. my leg didnt crAmp, lUcky.. wEnt to hElp mrs gOh in sOme stuffs then wEnt straight hOme le.. wAs happy to reCeive sARAh's mSg tellin me she gOt 1st fOr the lOng Jump~ her cOnfidence is bAck, hOpefully her determination is cOmin her wAy~ Jiayou, be there fOr u always =D.. after nOein her fOr one yr pLus, i started to find her a good friend, thankss fOr ur encOuragemeNt all tis while.. it's reAlly helps.. bUt wz sms me tellin they lOse their bAsketbAll mAtch whIch is importAnt to them n shOuldnt hAve lOst.. *sigh.. he sOund sAd n nO mOrale.. till night he still sOund e sAme, he tell me lOsin this mAtch hAVe a big impaCt on him.. i tRied to chEer him up, hOpe its hElp ba.. (",)pi li pa la wU~ i nv expeCt him to be tAT SAd.. bUt jUs hOpe he gEt over it asap, tis is life n we jUs gOt to accept it.. i leARn to accept reAlity le, after havin sO mUch regrets~ hAis, rEmind me of my vOlleybAll n x-cOuntry again le.. bUt i leArn to fang kAi le, in life we need to gO through everything.. be it happy or sAd one.. tAt's my dAy bA~ pray fOr wz fRi's mAtch.. all e best~ *dO ur best n hAve nO regrEts..

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