yes dinner at wee hours.
to be exact,
i have MAGGI MEE just a few minutes ago.
and i didnt finished it, i think i over-hungry! haha~
nevertheless, enjoyed today's session.
though my back hurts now and then, its still bearable for now.
i just hate it when i cant sleep with the pain TSK.
i actually wanted to show your my favourite maggi mee but i'm lazy.
this sound lame =x
be back on weekend for the tons of photos updating ok.
and weekend's hits is always lower :( why ah?
anyway, joanne just told me GU JUN PYO aka LEE MIN HO is coming SINGAPORE.
talking about that, i found new pictures of my love!

you just never get enough of him.
ahhh, its so crazy.
and of cos the kid is super adorable as well. the super outstanding curly hair, just like a trade marks ~
back to my news,
HE IS COMING SG?! yes yes?!
i cant find any news about that, but i heard from joanne its related to the opening of etude house at ion or orchard.

*ignore the girl, haha just kidding.
BOTH IS GORGEOUS, esp my love ! :P

he advertise for DUNKIN DONUTS as well.
now i should just give up on my fav, J.CO donut just for DUNKIN DONUTS,
cos it look much more nicer with him as the spokeperson.
agree? 100% YES. hahaha~
in short, support LEE MIN HO~ (:
i will,
so must your :P
i know i sounds so excited when come to speaking of my love ! cant help it haha~
i have a doubt/question here :
"are you trying to maintain this every-day conversation or its just a normal communication that i take too much to heart?"
its just a pure curiousity,
nothing more than that (:
am ending with this.
it helps in some head reflexes?
hah, dont curse me!
goodnight people. =D
anyway, i read this from
which has already been a shocking news to sg, i am shock too.
its about this "suicide pact" that 8 boys make.
dont laugh at me being auntie reading those news or watching news on channel U & channel 8. its good to be knowledgable =P
*fall asleep in 10 minutes.
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