high damage on my cab fare :( its so un-avoidable to take cab, really.
today's a long day.
from jurongpoint for jie's belated lunch - basketball trng - von bday.
i hope my dear friend forgive me for the lateness.
like what sis say, only when your friend care about you then she will be affected by your presence at her birthday.
so now, i understood how von felt.
make me damn guilty.
but the best i could do, is to be there at least (:
hoping for that little understanding from her.
and hereby saying "I'M SORRY" :(

HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY, my dearest friend.
for whatever people say about our friendship, it only matter how we see and treat it as. to me, you gals are still one of the best i could have =D
sometimes, i thought i have manage my time well and such.
but when all commitment(s) come in, its really hard to priortize.
can i have 48hours a day or at least another me, to do more than just multi-tasking.
seriously, no one understand how it feels.
i really wished you was there.
on a total random note,
who can lent me the korean version "LIU XIN HUA YUAN". aww~
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