to have brace myself up against the PERIOD MONSTER; its a killer seriously.
thats the only thing that can bring me all down; cant control it at all -.-
due to my activities and not wanting to take a half day MC (wasted eh!),
i ate a pain killer (panadol pink).
if you know me well,
i usually bear the pain and still insist on not eating painkiller no matter what. dont want to rely on that and its definitely have side-effect in a long term.
today for the sake of my evening plans, i just ate it.
amazingly, i didnt throw it out which i usually did.
though i feel like fainting, along with cold sweat.
i am not exaggerating on that,
i have SERIOUS CRAMPS after i stop on intense sports :(
went stair-casing after work with my work mates.
a total of 24 storeys we climbed HAHAH~
me and evelyn conquer it PROUDLY & SLOWLY hahaha.
i am amazed by eve's determination (:
company is coming up with another competition yet again, this time round on climbing stairs.
6 floors each since its a total of 24 floors. (:
a team has to consist of a veteran(aged 35 and above), a girl(me :D) and 2 guys.
so my department send a team, hope it turns out well ahah.
the very least is that we are able to enjoy the process =D WE WILL ~
then to volleyball training, it was FUN~ as usual.
to play in a non-competitive environment(more like a leisure), is what i really want now.
i guessed the very competitive me is already in the past.
in the past, winning/losing matters alot.
but as times passes by,
the skills already deprove so much.
able to play the sport happily is what it matters now.
my team-mates are nice people too!
so after all this,
its time to sleep and prepare for tmr revising.
hopes cramps go away ok! :(
**lets pray mary dont ps me&angie anymore :P
i am still contradicting to play basketball/netball or study though. (: lets see~

hello panda makes people's days happier isnt it C:
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