its really a nice application/website for beginning like ME (:
go for gorgeous add-on to your dull photos. (:
here's what i did, its being featured as my profile picture already.
so loving it. (:

they have those "stickers" you could add on.
see the crown on my head. LOLS.
and you must have notice the outstanding background.
yay, my all time favourite BURBERRY.
now, my blog look so belonged to me.
my blog, my skin and of cos my language.
*barry, stop correcting my grammer/english LOLS.
esp that i mistake macdonald RONALD as ROGER.
i knew this is damn funny haha.
i hope tmr i will post some human photo of myself if i am gg ION with sis.
lets just see how.
sometime, resting at home is a goodway to spend your weekend.
and did i mention i hurt my leg while kicking the soccer ball.
PAIN, go away shoo.
now off to my tutorial, i am still finding the motivation/idealogy to start off with the first paragraph though.
all tutorial is at least 3pages long. how nice.
alright, i am ending with this note that elyn tag me on fb.
this shows that i love my blog than my fb cos, i choose to post it here instead LOLS.
My Kind Of Boy.
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
average will do.
2. Smart?
in some way, thats for sure.
3. Preferred age?
at least 2years older, but doesnt really mind about the age.
but not YOUNGER than me.
4. Preferred height?
haha, everyone knows.
5. How about sense of humor?
comparable to mine will do. LOLS.
6. How about piercings?
no, not for guys.
7. Accepts you for who you are?
8. Pink hair?
sorry, too over.
9. Mushy or no?
better not, i will whack him LOLS.
10. Thin or fat?
just nice.
11. Black, Brown or White?
White as in EDWARD?!
i prefer gu jun pyo. =X
12. Long hair or short hair?
NEAT LOOKING can already.
13. Plastic or metal?
dont understand.
14. Smells good?
yay, very particular about this.
15. Smoker?
hell no. CANT ACCEPT.
16. Drinker?
am okay, as long as he know the limits.
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
silly boy, YAY.
18. Muscular?
not too over. (:
19. Plays piano?
that will be NICE. =D
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
piano will be enough.
21. Plays violin?
ha, cannot image.
i never know any guy who does.
22. Sings very well?
YAY, can sing duet tgt.
23. Vain?
understandable for this, cos guys can be bitch at time. haha~
24. With glasses?
prefer not, but no comment on this.
25. With braces?
haha, i am thinking of getting myself for that. so YAY.
26. Shy type?
shy and silly, that what i like. HAHA.
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
mixture of both, if not i will be so damn bored right. (:
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb?
well, i dont understand this again.
30. Singer or dancer?
31. Stunner?
stunner in a sense always give surprise?
32. Hiphop?
that suit suling more, i prefer SPORTY (:
33. Earrings?
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-boy/girlfriends-until-you-drop?
-.- no.
35. Dimples?
it will be a bonus, why not.
36. Bookworm?
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
i think i will whack him harder.
38. Playful?
in which way?
39. Flirt?
D-E-A-D, he will be.
but i will never land myself with such.
40. Poem writer?
hahaha. ok sound funny.
41. Serious?
depend on the situation, at the right time.
42. Campus crush?
i believe (: yet to experience though.
43. Painter?
44. Religious?
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
that depend on how far he goes, but sometime it will be irritating.
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
no for both, waste time.
47. Speaks 20 languages?
not too bad.
48. Loyal or faithful?
i need both lols.
49. Good kisser?
50. Loves children?
and love family (:
50 QUESTION, phew~
takecare all and enjoy your long weekend like i do (:
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