first of all,
the dressed up GAY bear.
my GAY bear wearing high waist + burberry look-alike skirt HAHA.
i know pink dont suits my bear cos the owner is not-a-pink person.
so you should have guess, i'm not the one who brought this LOLS.
its actually a off-shoulder know,
but again owner dont like. haha.
and this soft shoe is damn adorable,
hello kitty -.-
for more visit,
yes, a bear is enough but the clothing for the bear is so tempting.
not just the clothing but the shoes, accesories and even undergarment.
i like all this LOLS.

with all the 5colour belt. aww~
this is what the owner's loves. MAN!

japanese style with the wooden shoes.
ki ko ki ko.

the baseball cap is damn CUTE.
imaging my bear hear in it. wow~
my favourite is the graduation one,
but i cant find it online.
you can always visit the shop (:
cwp, united square and plaza singapura.
shoes up next,
its like baby wear.

like haivanas?
my bear need slippers.
it got 2 covered ones already.

the black one is like for fish monger huh.
lols~ i like!
now to accessories, they have ALL KIND.

oops, senstive i know.
adorable at the same time right, my bear wear one too HAHAH.

skate board ~
there is so much more like sleeping mall, glasses, carrier and even handbag.
go take a look if you are interested.
but as far as i know,
they say the "BUILDING" bear part is the most fun.
means to start stuffing in cotton into the body, bathe her, create birthcert etc.
but of cos, it come with a cost.
my bear with its clothes cost around 100bucks.
thanks alot,
despite the gayness, i will still dote her HAHAHA. (:
oh yay, i forget to mention my bear have this real heartbeat sound.
of cos you must press it to hear the heartbeat, DAMN REAL tell you!
getting curious?
alright, this is such a "BEAR POST".
good night beary people. (:
**ahbu pspsps me. :(
sometime i wonder has it fade.
or have faded.