a direct translate from chinese.
but the same meaning applies.
coughing like nobody business -.-
mum really give me a big surprise today or rather a shock.
she is into branded vacuum cleaner which cos thousands.
but well, if she is happy. why not. (:
now, i am so worried about my RELC application.
found out that i didnt filled in the exempted course properly.
and thats becos the counter staff gave me the wrong information. tsk.
i should have read the term&condition.
too late; i am gg to call them on monday.
prays for a good reply; at least.
if not, just let me re-do it with any cost.
i will never want a 3rd year.
til now, have my 5th lesson of bridging course.
conclusion: its not as easy as anyone have thought or said.:(
worse when they shorten the course period; which is like only 12 lesson for econs and maths each before the exam come.
tell me how. :(
bridging examination: 8&9th June 2009. *i think its not working well for me as of now.
double prays.
i have to get through it.
and recently or rather all along i am still very into. . .

yes, TWILIGHT. still anticipating for NEW MOON to be screen in cinemas.
its becoming such an addiction that explained the liking for white people. but such a mistake for that.
and this kills all my travelling time; from home to work; work to clementi for course and so much more.

i know i am so late into this. HA, but currently already in the midst of fininshing it. i want BREAKING DAWN - which is the last book lacking in my collection, i have the other 3 like months ago.
and before i end this post.
i want to informed all my dear friend in advance that my 21st celebration have been confirmed. (:
DATE: 27TH JUNE 2009(Sat)
TIME: 1830
THEME: BLACK *just come in black like some underworld leaders HAHA. and i would be glad if you guy want to paint yourself black as well LOLS.
i have yet to send out any invitation but just wanted to post here in advance so people are informed.
if you are my friend, you will be invited LOLS.
so try to come ok, afterall its my 21st. =D
**P.S. it will be nice if those who first book out on 27th June to come as well. HAHA, it will be nice.
thats about all for now.
ending with this.
the new drink i tried at dble o - BACARDI BREEZER.
it just tasted like soda, or was it really soda.
LOLS, i dont know.
bye(s) people and pls update me with your number.
my iphone spoiled and all contact is lost :( pretty upset by it.
so it will be really nice if you sms me with your name and number.(:
i am still using the same old no. =D
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