so it means 2 session in a day, phew.
a total of 3.5hours of teaching and including travelling, its from 4.30 to 9pm.
to me, its a good sign.
good sign on the "old me" is back.
i just got to get use now, cos days has really been too slack.
though i enjoy the event job timing but its not a permanent job thingy.
went to have dinner with elyn and movie after that.
that was the first meal of my day and we watched this . .

The Unborn
it feels like exorcist kind of movie to me, alike.
not too bad to me, but not-at-all appealing to elyn.
haha, so judge by yourself whether to watch, but i bet its already on the web =x
and being the kind me, here's the trailer.
FYI, this movie is 1hr 27mins.
moving on, i got another job interview tmr which i am most prolly not gg.
it's the interview for Police Officer.
yea, i am shortlisted for that.
pretty stunned to received their sms HAHA.
and you guys must have wonder why i apply for that.
dont ask me why, it was one of my amibition when i was young =x
i did tried to call to inform i am not gg for the interview but to no avail.
left them a msg though.
thats about all.
i am off to drink my mum's soup for me, before sis continue to nag and get so angry with that.
i seriously dont understand why. but definitely am used to her temper =x. just got to accept that. :)
anticipating for 20th april.
btw, anyone can book cheaper chalet rates. it will really be nice, let me know :D
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