Tuesday, March 23, 2010

thanks for all those lovely concern :)

i just visited my own blog and take a quick glimpse through,
and i found out that my site has been *wordy for this few weeks :x

but honestly, i haven been taking any proper shot for weeks.
you wouldnt want to see a sick-looking-me also right!

regardless, i try ok :D.
have to be a vain pot + remembering to bring my usb back from office.
yes, i have a camera but i never have the habit to bring it out,
til i develope this new habit, i shall just rely on my phone for shots! :D

for now, lets not mention about my health,
it will eventually find a way out :)
that's with the blessing of all your sms of concern, just really melt my heart !

it make me felt much loves and notice that my little site here does really have lovely readers :)
**thanks all of your!

that's all for now,
just wanted to say that i am really thankful for those !

side note: i completed 1.5chapter today, am feeling so proud of myself.
**jie must be smiling while reading this from the other part of the world. :)

**regarding the thing i have been mentioning on my blog, it has come to an end too.
i self-declared it as closed case and no worries, i am not going to be bother/affected since the same cycle repeatedly repeat itself, like i already knew w/o asking.

just like what my friend had said: "MERRY GO ROUND, LIKE A FOOL.".

for time like this, i shouldnt continue bothering with the unneccessary.
unneccessary since you dont even bother as well, right?

lead a life happily, for me and you individually.

alright, back to the norms.

shall just end it with:

remainder: careful of flu&cough virus these day, it seem that people are getting sick! drink lots of water :)


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