this game is purely on DRINKING WATER.
and honestly, i think is damn FUN.
it marks the day i drank the most water. such a healthy game huh.
so the photo(s) will say it all. :) here you go.
this is how the whole game look like. monopoly-lookalike. but more fun! :)
this is the 2 types of card that you will need to take when you reach the "PUB" or the red card stop. and the card content is POWER.
THE BANKER is called the kitty and everyone got to start with 10coins. coins as in those you see in the centre of the picture.
and if you wonder how a pub look like, this is the "PUB".
i know the picture sucks LOLS.
now a sample of the card content. this is just a very lucky card, just a simple reciting. see the next one HAHA.
he gotten that card on top. LOLS. "imitate a blowjob".
and i gotten this card, but i made the wrong guess. LOLS.
sebas got the card above and got to do this for a turn. when such thing happen everyone will purposely show down the game. how nice.
aiqun shared the same fate.
imagine if a gal gotten this 2 card, but well the very "UNLUCKY" fs & yx gotten both of it.
this card make me laugh the most, cos i am the shortest player and i got so much coin(s) from the rest. WAHAHA.
this is like giving difference term for "penis", "intercourse", "toliet" and etc.
fs was trying hard to complete a task cos if not, he will bankrupt as he got no more coin. and the punishment is to finish 10cup of water.
this is the size of 1cup. 10cup = about 4litres. its damn killing. cos i drank 3cups of that. -_-" better than fs and yx who finish 10cups i guessed.
this is the "JAIL" in the game. its either u got the KUNNING card or you got to throw 3or6 to get out. this must be done within 3turns if not, drink 4 shots.
this is the shots lols. if you cannot complete the card task you got to drink 2shots as well. see its DRINKING, DRINKING and DRINKING.
another term&condition is no one is allowed to go to the toliet unless you reach this stop, know as "toliet" stop. LOLS.
overall, this is actually a drinking game but imagine if we will to really drink those chivas or martel. sure "KNOCK OFF".
anyway this post seem like an advertisement to the game huh. LOLS.
so anyone know where to get this game?! i want to buy!!
its a present my friend gotten so he dont know as well :(
thats all. i am sure everyone will love the game :P
off to sending resume AGAIN~
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