:) nothing can make my day better than that.
i am already missing the three cousin of mine. i shall go back to KL to visit them whenever i am free. aww :(
steamboat - with mine and jie's favourite TOMYAM soup base.
and mum is so sweet to have brought me and jie an identical pyjames - MICKEY MOUSE. thats so "tong nian" but everything from mum is still the best (:
painted our nail red and went to sleep with out nail smudged. NICE ONE.
anyway, i will force jie to take photo with me SOON with our identical pyjames. wahaha. i bet it will look GORGEOUS okay!
didnt went to JB this year as we will afraid of JAM. so head straight to my aunt house, which is the only house i have to visit every 1st day of new year. BUT this year is an exceptional, we still went to my uncle's condo.
and the nicest thing about new year is seeing those relative we seldom get to see. its like sort of gathering.
saw my nephew and realised i am "gugu" already. LOLS. it still sound funny to me. but my nephew and niece are all DAMN CUTE. as well as my three COUSIN.
alright, i have to say that i love baby. :) and i scare dog. this is so random.
visited my aunt's house(dad side) and got to see dad. :) he forbid me to drive his car :( oh my, my licence is rotting away.
there, see alot of kids again. the photo(s) will tell later.
and talk to my aunt(s) about my university plan, all encourage me to take up local. but i already decide SIM-UOL will be my decision, so pray that it works for me. i will not disappointed dad&mum.
and this new year, i guessed the most meaningful thing was to visit my grandmum and grandfather at the cemetry. it's just meant something to me. :)
apart fom those visiting, i have to say i must avoid playing of blackjack and inbetween. NO LUCK on cards but MAHJONG was a GOOD GAME.
i still prefer mahjong to cards. but no excessive gamling as it is bad for me but just for the fun sake. (:
oh ya, i ride "PICNIC" once again to suling's house. she is such a nice host and a funny one. stop laughing at PICNIC okay :)
:) i am looking forward to this sat and sun visiting, tuition, outing with nora and mayb MAHJONG. :P as of now PROJECT. 3 more project. ohmy.
and mary remind me its 27days to graduration. CANT WAIT for that. :p
anyway, i screwed up my presentation today where i paused for quite some time. real SAD. i hope it doesnt affect much of my grades, i still want to gradurate in a BEAUTFUL way in term of my grade.
i pray that "MS TEO will be a GOOD IN GIVING ME NICE GRADES".
that about all, i felt that this post is BORED. which is becos the owner is feeling that way as well.
MSG TO xuexue.
dont tell me disappointment when i am more disappointed in you.
and dont keep saying we are talking about the "PAST" when you only hear from ONE SIDE. this really irritates me and i wont explain further either.
i been trying to be patient enough and i think it have wasted much of my time.
you should know me well and judge all you want.
i am sorry to have used my blog in this way. POLLUTION.
aright photo(s) loaded.
oh ya today i receive a mail - unexpectedly.
stop making me feel guity in treating you this way. but still thanks for the surprise lar. you always made me contradict myself. BOO.
and ya. ending with a picture drew by QUEEN OF PROPS - MARY.
somehow the drawing meant as a part of memories. :) gussed i will miss them when we gradurates :)
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