thanks to mary and yun for the advice (:
i seriously hope things turned out well.
this is the first time i am organising bbq, so i am really not good at it. *prays (:
cake settled as well,
considered and order a 2kg ice cream cake from swenson.
looking forward to EAT it LOLS. (:
now left with the groceries shopping on friday.
phew~ really tired by all this.
cant believe its just 4 more day to my big 21st (:
oh ya, not to forget to share with my readers this good news.
MY UOL will be a TWO-YEAR studies.
passed my bridging paper better than i expected and i am really happy about it (:
believe you guy's prayer works.
thanks people! =D
now i need to prepare for my company exams which is on the 1JULY, just a day before my real birthday -.- at least some rewards to motivate me =x
whichever, i am still gg to enjoyed my celebration before i think of those dreadful things (:
now as per requested by so many of you, the wishlist i can think of.

yes, my all time favorite.

i love this so much LOLS.
cos it suits my low table well.

i am thinking of a sofabed (:
and i am posting the DONTS for the present as well lol.
-no teddybears.
-no makeups.
-no girly stuffs, i will cry when i see them LOLS.
so those are really what i can think of now.
i dont need much thing(s) as life has been good for me.
loving family, great friend(s), a stable job.
what else can i expect for, really.
so i will be glad to see you guys on the 27th JUNE 2007,
its the thoughts that counts for my present so not to worry about that. (:
be in BLACK ok, just like mafia LOLS.
last of all, my chalet will be in BLOCK A. =D
source for the mafia gang yourself during the day haha. (:
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