even so when it's the school break now.
so imagine when school reopen? hmmm.
Just monday, i officially changed my seat in office to another room.
make me stayed & packed til 7.30pm -.-
& everything seems fine for now,
just have to try to adapt to the new place and with that being said,
evelyn is no longer close to me already.
those aside,
me & evelyn have been planning for Night Safari - Halloween,
tentatively date will be 29th October, heard its fun!
*so hopefully the registration and all go smoothly next week.
later in the morning, i will be heading to zoo for recce.
*GOOD WEATHER PLS, dont rain!
the event date is so close that it scare me alil already.
& guess what i did on wednesday's night ?

Phuture with lublub :)
Pretty much enjoyed myself and music was AWESOME.
Mahjong-ed with primary school mates the following night was crazy,
thats because i can hardly keep myself awake with just barely 2hr of sleep~
backed home concuss thereafter til 3pm the next day,
now you know how tired i get.
my cousins come out from Msia for weekend :)
thats about all for my week,
my weekend will be period = fml :(
P.S. Bintan 1st-3rd October confirmed :)
best still, its FOC *YAY!
enjoyed the long weekend people ! :)
"Sometimes it’s not called giving up.
It’s just realizing that we don’t need certain people and the bullshit they bring."
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