:( sunday was spent working from home.
the fact that the recreational team is having a event this coming wednesday, means we are left with minimum thing to get thing done.
lets hope the first event turn out well, so the efforts got pay off :)
come to think about it,
this is really one of the busiest financial year i had.
cant believe we are half way through, like this week is gotta be JULY already.
FYI, July is your truly's birthday :D
i really have to said that,
i am appreciative for people who remembered & asked me out.
it means something and i really appreciate the thoughts.
though i am surprised some of your remember, plan and all
:) thanks people.
this year i am pretty much NOT going to celebrate it.
cause the fact that its nothing significant and all really.
*dont remind me that i am aging pls.
& if you miss me, here you go :P
my first BATAM trip, definitely not the last :D
many asked about the hotel room,
so here's a view of it.
FYI, i stayed at Holiday Inn. :)
*formspring me for any queries.
to end with,
vainpot :P
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