the night scenary was nice & kinda emo. HAHAH.
regardless, we are have fun and bet our legs have a really good exercise.
walking so much these days tsktsk.
past due photo(s) for RG first,
so many takes for the 3D2N.
Opening dinner was held at SINGAPORE FLYER.
we cant eat in so we end up camwhore. :)
*hate myself in jeans, the short leg :(
a really cosy place :)
dont ask me about the food, cause i didnt have any HAHA.
the outdoor siting area scenary was SUPERB.
the social bowling we had the day after was fun too :D
played for a lil since hidayah was late, i stand in for her.
he was playing in with us and he was super good cause he got 4strikes in a roll HAHA.
& trust me, they are all super fun and sportanous!
a sportman is always a all-rounder most of the time, FYI he is a super good runner too.
the medals.
the games i watched. . .
we have 13 games in total anyway.
*zander, damian & ck was playing so confirm must support ! :)
others was running, netball, volleyball, badminton & futsal that i manage to catch a glimpse. :)
Closing dinner was at the accomodation venue.
ambience was nice & love all those balloon, dont you? :)
*remind me of von's party.
volleyball peeops :D

committee people :)
now to the random(s) picture . . .

first, i really want to catch this but girls are usually scare of this :(
had lunch at this ramen place weeks ago.
rating: 2.5/5
dont really liked it though it since to have high review.
a total random to show this, recommendation by mary!
its a pen&pencil combination, damn cute.
good enough, mine was stolen since my whole bag was gone.
sure to get it again :(
my intention was to show my trimmed eyebrow actually HAHA.
will you miss my blog ?
thanks for the accompany & reading through out the 5 years of writing :)
yes, this is my last post.
prolly going to change blog add and all :D
P.S. have you send your email to my formspring? :)
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