Destination: Skilling + Sea Lala spa.
i would say its a play, eat, relax, eat and back to hotel day.
Presenting to you my VIRGIN . . . SKIING. *too bad :P
anyway the gear and all cause us almost 100SGD each,
and its only for renting.
you have to get thicker wears, the shoes, the eye-mask and thick gloves.
P.S. skip the eye mask, totally redundant and renting it cos around $12.
the 3 of us = $36.
it is like only meant for photo taking.
but we want the once in a life time exerience so we willing be the carrots.
the ice-skiter? is there such word?
okay, rephase, "THE CARROTS" lol.
when you go ice-skiing,
they have to get the machine to give out the"fake-snow/ice" first.
mum took this from what i rmb,
she didnt join us.
the couple that look pro.
indeed, only yaocai is.
sis wasted the money by standing around.
the beginner lane, the pro one can go steeper or higher to play.
lets show a video of PRO ME falling HAHAHA.
brave enough to try the slope though it was a MAJOR FAIL.:P
yaocai was really a fast learner,
but from the video he keep saying "Vvvv, Aaaa."
cause me a good fall.
overall was fun, but i still think its expensive :)
you have to think twice for this and its not easy to move around with the HEAVY MENTAL SNOW SHOE.
ready to leave for lunch,
we have the hungry face and yes i know MAKE-UP-LESS. :(
BBQ MEAL yet again.
no photo allowed inside :(
nevertheless, let me share with you my little experience.
There's spa inside but women has to be NAKED to be soak.
there's 2 degree for the spa, but both hot.
you cant be shy to try the spa, and yes your truly (*me) try it as well.
sis and mum too shy :P
if girl went there, dont be surprised that people there (woman only) walked around naked cause to them is a very normal thing and of cause the area is restricted, no entry for men.
we also have this as cold as -8degree(eskimo) to 60degree(chacoal) room(s) for us to try. inbetween, theres like 40degree one.
i prefer the hot one rather than the cold one,
but after the spa i was totally exhausted.
our dinner!
hot soup was also all-time-favourite.
korean food tasted and felt so much healthier with KIMCHI.
my last second day in korea ended all well.
seoul is another beautiful country.
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