the picture alone speaks a thousand word.
a very GORGEOUS THEMEPARK i have ever been too.
love it so much really. :)
there's so many place to visit but so little time.
was there for like 4 hours, day til it turned dark.
the night scenary + lighting was even more BEAUTIFUL.
so ready to start our journey inside :)
fairytale alike REALLY.
see the two cartoon behind us?
they are like the representative of everland.
by now, i already like go "wow" for so many time.
wasnt it like REALLY PRETTY.
this was a NICE GAME!
me and yaocai went to play at night but sis was freaked out.
so she didnt joined us.
the only disadvantage was ITS DAMN COLD when you are up there and it turned so fast at 360 degree.
we are on our way to the "inside zoo".
the themepark was so big that it has a ZOO in it.
one of the tallest vertical roller coaster.
so wanting to try it but it wasnt open that day :(
due to the snow we guessed.
magnificent view from the top.
welcome to ALPINE VILLAGE.
guess what is this?
waiting for the bus to drive us into the zoo.
of cos you can walk around, the tiger and the lion are all not locked in that area.
they was SO NEAR the bus.
actually thats this LIGER, combination of lion&tiger but the bus moved too fast :(
that's ONLY ONE left, so fortunate to see it.
and seriously it look like tiger&lion.
we did see BEARS performing, like waving hands, standing up and sitting down when instructed.
also we see BIG OWL, alike those in harry potter.
but bus moved too fast so no picture. :(
nice signage!
nice hair though it wasnt nicely fit. lols!
out of the urge, i might just go PERM HAIR like this. haha!
those cups was like those we sit before when young right?
SPACE TOUR, not fun leh.
photo(s) taken inside inside. :)
see it was so cold that the camera turned out like that.
mum with yaocai.
the christmas-y feel again!
inspired by the movie "JUMP" hahaha!
Four Seasons Garden,
where we see performance, fireworks that lasted for like 10min or so, and nice stage and SO MUCH MORE.
spot the moon?
advice: ON THE NIGHT MODE for photos shot.
the performance with nice stage!
last shot before we leave there to explore other nice place.
still so NICE.
nice effect, i know :D
love all this so much.
so fairytale lookalike.
the place to WARM yourself up.
so caring for EVERLAND to have this around their BIG PARK.
this pictue look weird,
but i just want to show that i tied my hair to get ready for . . .
their restaurant also like from fairytale book.
abit blurr but still nice :)
picture with LIAN HUA (lotus).
alot of gifts shop there.
nice nice nice :)
sis said this was the DALANG'S MAO MAO CONG.
Rating: 5/5
a MUST VISIT when you go KOREA.
highly recommended for theme park peole (means you like theme park :D)
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