by the end of it, most of us is partially dead - physically & mentally.
BUT. . .
today mark the last working saturday before i go on leave on tuesday(20/4). *jumps!
cant wait * 2~~
this is my first peak and yes, it's damn hectic and draining.
looking back, this one and a half month passes really fast.
proud of myself and those who have gone through this together :)
alright, enough of mundane work.
since i seldom blog nowadays, i shall update you guys with what am i doing recently :)
okay, hold your laughter . .

i actually re-watched 流星花园
those who know me well, will be well aware that i really can go gaga over this :x

道明诗 still capture my heart, ahhhhh~
honestly, why didn't we meet such guy right?

OLD SCHOOL, but that's like the first ever 偶像剧.
& i watched them, while studying.
it always work wonder :D hope this continue.
apart from that, have been playing netball&volleyball more regularly due to Revenue Games.
**lets hope that when may come, we can do it :)
so i discovered that my footing does sucks HAHAH, hopefully the referee will be nice and not catch my stepping, dragging and hopping LOLS.

my team mates :)
kind of like the environment we playing now, at least all is happy :)
yes, i used to be very competitive, and never like to lose but now learn to accept it :D
but still, at least we all try our best :D
lets share this some nice song, haven been sharing song.
will introduce some Cantonese song this time round :)
林峰 - 愛不疚
林峰 - 愛在記憶中找你
love both of it ! :D
i am trying to learn this in now, so that i can hit kbox right after exams :x
alright, thats all now.
P.S. all formspring question answered, keep it coming ok. :)
you can view your replies by clicking the link "QUESTION ANSWERED" below the formspring box.
shall end with this for MEIZHEN ~~

this is TOOTHLESS !
btw, "HOW TO TRAIN A DRAGON" is awesome!
rating: 4/5
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