Friday, April 30, 2010
i think a girl will tear when a guy say such to her, how touching it could be.
*taiwan drama is always good at it and thats explain why many people like it.
go listen to the youtube's video and catch the beginning.
honestly, even i melted.
in this period of time, i think i am kind of fragile.
not those glass kind, just not that strong to take all coming.
i think its when all the stress on studies, work and all come together, its really not as easy as anyone thought.
& one will always get tired for being-too-strong.
need a break from that.
hmm, & when was the last time i open myself up to someone.
so, here's for the one who was there.
better be honourable. :)
pre-universal studio post. :P

this is the gingerbread man that i brought from Universal Studio.
*super love it, super cute right!
there's alot of cute thing, and if you are aware, i have a liking on cute stuffs like coin purse and all. i cant resist on spending on those, and trust me, i have tons of cute thing :) *super love!
i brought 4 Bettyboop's post card too.
as for the Universal studio's post, i will do it after exams.
many beautiful picture :) *await for it alright :)
further affirm that i am a themepark lover.
so far, this is still the best i come across.
*click to see post on EVERLAND: EVERLAND - korea
so today, i am back at office after 8days leave.
the email was really scary - 109 of them.
not to mention, the call was @#$%&^
its just a very bad day overall,
anyway to cure it people? *GMH :(
alright, i hope all who are studying hang in there.
i am really having a hard time too.
lets end with this song:
買CD 把你的聲音丟在角落
看電影 到結局總是配角的錯
你要的故事 讓你去說
我要的生活 我好好過
寫日記 寫不出是誰的感受
夜空裡 每個人佔有一個星座
你到底懂不懂 我只要一點溫熱的觸碰
你到底懂不懂 有些話 並不是 一定要說
** 你總說愛情之所以為愛情 是用來揮霍
你總是漫不在乎 當我看著自己的稀薄
## 我看見愛情之所以為愛情 誰都在揮霍
我想的天長地久 也許只是時間的荒謬
一場雨 有時候下得不是時候
就像你 說難過不是真的難過
你到底懂不懂 我只要一個安穩的等候
你到底懂不懂 想你想得好像 空氣都停了
Sunday, April 25, 2010
whats your inspiration?
i know i shouldnt be here, but let me just do some writing alright.
otherwise, i think i cant take it very soon.
the studying session really does suck cause there is exam to worry about,
otherwise, we wouldnt be studying right?
then again, feeling like a student make it a little better.
but thinking about exam, it sucks overall.
so just today i have this random thought "to be a SOLDIER rather than a STUDENT".
yes totally random, but if studying is equivalent to being a soldier.i will choose the later - to defence my country.
in my secondary school day,
i always told my form teacher - Mr Thong, that when i finish my diploma, i will want to go serve the country cause i think what guy can do, we girls jolly well can do as well.
and if we try harder, we might do better then them :)
no jokes, that was how i felt ever til now.
& he was actually supportive of it, giving me information of army etc.
he suggested that i go try out "foot army", those that walk in war kind rather than sitting in tanker.
is there such?
yes, at the point of time, i was an idiot who never ever know how to google.
so, now if you are interested in army, just go to the homepage and TA-DAAH.
:) it's all there.
if you are interested: go google "mindef"
then sometime, i thought of being a police officer.
i even get sad when i found out years ago that i dont qualified the height requirement which is 158cm from what i remembered :(
*now, you know that i am REALLY not tall.
& guess what? i actually went to apply for this last year when i graduate even knowing my FAILED height requirement AND the mainpoint is they asked me down for interview.
which in the end, i didnt cause i was already offered a job.
thinking back, i do blame myself at time for not standing by my inspiration.
in all, a very fickle minded person.
i still think i am now, like should i or shouldnt i?
at the end of every decision, i will just end i telling myself, "CANNOT REGRET & WORK THING OUT".
just like now and every single time.
ok, i felt so much better and its time for more studying and all.
P.S. please keep your prayer on going for me til 27th may.
otherwise, i think i cant take it very soon.
the studying session really does suck cause there is exam to worry about,
otherwise, we wouldnt be studying right?
then again, feeling like a student make it a little better.
but thinking about exam, it sucks overall.
so just today i have this random thought "to be a SOLDIER rather than a STUDENT".
yes totally random, but if studying is equivalent to being a soldier.i will choose the later - to defence my country.
in my secondary school day,
i always told my form teacher - Mr Thong, that when i finish my diploma, i will want to go serve the country cause i think what guy can do, we girls jolly well can do as well.
and if we try harder, we might do better then them :)
no jokes, that was how i felt ever til now.
& he was actually supportive of it, giving me information of army etc.
he suggested that i go try out "foot army", those that walk in war kind rather than sitting in tanker.
is there such?
yes, at the point of time, i was an idiot who never ever know how to google.
so, now if you are interested in army, just go to the homepage and TA-DAAH.
:) it's all there.
if you are interested: go google "mindef"
then sometime, i thought of being a police officer.
i even get sad when i found out years ago that i dont qualified the height requirement which is 158cm from what i remembered :(
*now, you know that i am REALLY not tall.
& guess what? i actually went to apply for this last year when i graduate even knowing my FAILED height requirement AND the mainpoint is they asked me down for interview.
which in the end, i didnt cause i was already offered a job.
thinking back, i do blame myself at time for not standing by my inspiration.
in all, a very fickle minded person.
i still think i am now, like should i or shouldnt i?
at the end of every decision, i will just end i telling myself, "CANNOT REGRET & WORK THING OUT".
just like now and every single time.
ok, i felt so much better and its time for more studying and all.
P.S. please keep your prayer on going for me til 27th may.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
recent doing(s).
finally, the peak is coming to an end - tomorrow.

by the end of it, most of us is partially dead - physically & mentally.
BUT. . .
today mark the last working saturday before i go on leave on tuesday(20/4). *jumps!
cant wait * 2~~
this is my first peak and yes, it's damn hectic and draining.
looking back, this one and a half month passes really fast.
proud of myself and those who have gone through this together :)
alright, enough of mundane work.
since i seldom blog nowadays, i shall update you guys with what am i doing recently :)
okay, hold your laughter . .

i actually re-watched 流星花园 for i-lose-count-how-many-times.
those who know me well, will be well aware that i really can go gaga over this :x

道明诗 still capture my heart, ahhhhh~
honestly, why didn't we meet such guy right?

OLD SCHOOL, but that's like the first ever 偶像剧.
& i watched them, while studying.
it always work wonder :D hope this continue.
apart from that, have been playing netball&volleyball more regularly due to Revenue Games.
**lets hope that when may come, we can do it :)
so i discovered that my footing does sucks HAHAH, hopefully the referee will be nice and not catch my stepping, dragging and hopping LOLS.

my team mates :)
kind of like the environment we playing now, at least all is happy :)
yes, i used to be very competitive, and never like to lose but now learn to accept it :D
but still, at least we all try our best :D
lets share this some nice song, haven been sharing song.
will introduce some Cantonese song this time round :)
林峰 - 愛不疚
林峰 - 愛在記憶中找你
love both of it ! :D
i am trying to learn this in now, so that i can hit kbox right after exams :x
alright, thats all now.
P.S. all formspring question answered, keep it coming ok. :)
you can view your replies by clicking the link "QUESTION ANSWERED" below the formspring box.
shall end with this for MEIZHEN ~~

this is TOOTHLESS !
btw, "HOW TO TRAIN A DRAGON" is awesome!
rating: 4/5

by the end of it, most of us is partially dead - physically & mentally.
BUT. . .
today mark the last working saturday before i go on leave on tuesday(20/4). *jumps!
cant wait * 2~~
this is my first peak and yes, it's damn hectic and draining.
looking back, this one and a half month passes really fast.
proud of myself and those who have gone through this together :)
alright, enough of mundane work.
since i seldom blog nowadays, i shall update you guys with what am i doing recently :)
okay, hold your laughter . .

i actually re-watched 流星花园
those who know me well, will be well aware that i really can go gaga over this :x

道明诗 still capture my heart, ahhhhh~
honestly, why didn't we meet such guy right?

OLD SCHOOL, but that's like the first ever 偶像剧.
& i watched them, while studying.
it always work wonder :D hope this continue.
apart from that, have been playing netball&volleyball more regularly due to Revenue Games.
**lets hope that when may come, we can do it :)
so i discovered that my footing does sucks HAHAH, hopefully the referee will be nice and not catch my stepping, dragging and hopping LOLS.

my team mates :)
kind of like the environment we playing now, at least all is happy :)
yes, i used to be very competitive, and never like to lose but now learn to accept it :D
but still, at least we all try our best :D
lets share this some nice song, haven been sharing song.
will introduce some Cantonese song this time round :)
林峰 - 愛不疚
林峰 - 愛在記憶中找你
love both of it ! :D
i am trying to learn this in now, so that i can hit kbox right after exams :x
alright, thats all now.
P.S. all formspring question answered, keep it coming ok. :)
you can view your replies by clicking the link "QUESTION ANSWERED" below the formspring box.
shall end with this for MEIZHEN ~~

this is TOOTHLESS !
btw, "HOW TO TRAIN A DRAGON" is awesome!
rating: 4/5
Friday, April 16, 2010
Its a bless to meet nice people constantly in my life.
i am grateful for that. :)
yes, there's always the not-so-good one, but those are the one that make you grow up - to a better & stronger person.
talking about meeting people in my life,
do your always meet angelic or devilish person in yours?
this reminded me that:
i always have a hold back to share my past relationship here, there's good & bad for sure but its just me who doesn't like sharing it here - for now.
one day i might really just write it out,
since my blog has really become very personal and close to me nowadays.
you never imagine how many draft i save and not post.
pick it up & learn from there.
i added a clock the left hand side + i added the link that your can just click to see your "question answered" when you asked me in formspring.
*keep the question coming, i know i reply in the a turtle way, but i promise soonest i can =)
*thanks for people who wished me lucks and all, loves!
i am grateful for that. :)
yes, there's always the not-so-good one, but those are the one that make you grow up - to a better & stronger person.
talking about meeting people in my life,
do your always meet angelic or devilish person in yours?
this reminded me that:
i always have a hold back to share my past relationship here, there's good & bad for sure but its just me who doesn't like sharing it here - for now.
one day i might really just write it out,
since my blog has really become very personal and close to me nowadays.
you never imagine how many draft i save and not post.
pick it up & learn from there.
i added a clock the left hand side + i added the link that your can just click to see your "question answered" when you asked me in formspring.
*keep the question coming, i know i reply in the a turtle way, but i promise soonest i can =)
*thanks for people who wished me lucks and all, loves!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
am taking a break from this space,
nonethless, you can still see my update at twitter and formspring me to send me your regards and wishes :)
take good care all.
nonethless, you can still see my update at twitter and formspring me to send me your regards and wishes :)
take good care all.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
revision workshop.
i need to sleep,
very drain & tired.
two day of consecutive 6.5 hours of oversea revision workship was really effective. at the same time it take away the tiny bit of energy i have within.
no amount of coffee helps.
i shall blog some other day.
very drain & tired.
two day of consecutive 6.5 hours of oversea revision workship was really effective. at the same time it take away the tiny bit of energy i have within.
no amount of coffee helps.
i shall blog some other day.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
am i right?
i don't know if I'm doing the right thing now,
but at the very least i hoped its the best i could have done.
working saturday isn't that bad with KFC breakfast,
my all time favourite: hot porridge with ice milo.
**many thanks to evelyn :)
now, i cant stop reminding myself that there's class til 10pm later,
what a good way to spend a saturday and yes, class on sunday as well :(
i have so much more to study. D:
**keep your prayer on going for me..
that's all for now.
am planning a detailed post "ABOUT ME" to archive it :)
thinking that it is a good idea, so do look out for it alright.
P.S. might be going to BKK in July with Mary&Angie. lets hope it work ! :)
P.P.S. have answer all the formspring questions :) go see your reply if you asked my anything there :)
click here: Replies @ formspring/jingting
ending with this song lyrics :D
你小心翼翼牽 我手
其實是擔憂 藏 不住我
自尊也投降 活在她之下
我 好傻
你字字句句說你不 愛她
那又是什麼 讓你害怕
我 好傻
原來 你沒想像中那麼愛我
我不懂該拿什麼 安慰我的難受
你的存在 讓我更寂寞
你寸步不離像天使 的她
揮霍我的愛 從不放心上
我有一絲無奈 也有一些明白該
該 放開
原來 你沒想像中那麼愛我
我 不能再從你的懷抱感覺到什麼
別愛我 別再說 假裝愛 那是撒鹽在傷口
啊~~ 誰說我不在意空等候
原來 你從來都沒深刻愛我
but at the very least i hoped its the best i could have done.
working saturday isn't that bad with KFC breakfast,
my all time favourite: hot porridge with ice milo.
**many thanks to evelyn :)
now, i cant stop reminding myself that there's class til 10pm later,
what a good way to spend a saturday and yes, class on sunday as well :(
i have so much more to study. D:
**keep your prayer on going for me..
that's all for now.
am planning a detailed post "ABOUT ME" to archive it :)
thinking that it is a good idea, so do look out for it alright.
P.S. might be going to BKK in July with Mary&Angie. lets hope it work ! :)
P.P.S. have answer all the formspring questions :) go see your reply if you asked my anything there :)
click here: Replies @ formspring/jingting
ending with this song lyrics :D
你小心翼翼牽 我手
其實是擔憂 藏 不住我
自尊也投降 活在她之下
我 好傻
你字字句句說你不 愛她
那又是什麼 讓你害怕
我 好傻
原來 你沒想像中那麼愛我
我不懂該拿什麼 安慰我的難受
你的存在 讓我更寂寞
你寸步不離像天使 的她
揮霍我的愛 從不放心上
我有一絲無奈 也有一些明白該
該 放開
原來 你沒想像中那麼愛我
我 不能再從你的懷抱感覺到什麼
別愛我 別再說 假裝愛 那是撒鹽在傷口
啊~~ 誰說我不在意空等候
原來 你從來都沒深刻愛我
Friday, April 02, 2010
formspring a/c.
set up a formspring account for my blog :)
now, even without my tagboard, readers can feel free to ask me question or send me regards from there:)
& yes, if you dont wished to be identify, you could just post as a anonymous :)
i will still answer your question :)
thats all for now,
its at my left hand column just under my profile :D
now, even without my tagboard, readers can feel free to ask me question or send me regards from there:)
& yes, if you dont wished to be identify, you could just post as a anonymous :)
i will still answer your question :)
thats all for now,
its at my left hand column just under my profile :D
i am a hokkien, seriously?
awesome to have friday as an off day :D
slept til near 2pm and now trying so hard to study,
need to get all those in my brain.
studying has kill alot of our brain cell isnt it?
drain but still trying to push myself on it.
please work!
so now, i am having a short break from the book to update my blog,
as well as catching up with old buddy at MSN. :)
**so touched he read my blog HAHAHA! :P
yesterday, finally went for some exercising.
played netball & felt that my stamina drop like shit.
or rather, cant escape the fact that i have aged. :(
MAJOR SADNESS, please give me my stamina back.
i'm thinking of running under my house,
any takers?
otherwise, running with mp3 always work well too :)
regardless, i hope 10th april will turn out more than i expect.
if you remembered, i mention there's PSIG netball woman that day.
*lots of lucks & cross-finger that all went well please!
& yesterday i have a HOKKIEN CALLER again, make a lots of joke again on that as usual.
& yes, my hokkien is a MAJOR FAIL. i cant even pronounce "2009" i just went "li ling ling gao", which i clever-ly replaced the 0 with "ling" which is chinese.
accordingly to my friend, it should be "kong".
in addition to that, the caller asked what dialect i am, and i nearly wanted to reply i am a "hua yu ren". FYI, i am a hokkien but i can hardly speak in that. :x
thats all for now, back to pile of books/notes/paper etc :(
& thinking what should i settled for dinner? hmmm.
sister just fly off yesterday *safe trip & come back soon!
mum love to travel also *as usual.
P.S. pls help click on my nuffnand ad on the left :D
slept til near 2pm and now trying so hard to study,
need to get all those in my brain.
studying has kill alot of our brain cell isnt it?
drain but still trying to push myself on it.
please work!
so now, i am having a short break from the book to update my blog,
as well as catching up with old buddy at MSN. :)
**so touched he read my blog HAHAHA! :P
yesterday, finally went for some exercising.
played netball & felt that my stamina drop like shit.
or rather, cant escape the fact that i have aged. :(
MAJOR SADNESS, please give me my stamina back.
i'm thinking of running under my house,
any takers?
otherwise, running with mp3 always work well too :)
regardless, i hope 10th april will turn out more than i expect.
if you remembered, i mention there's PSIG netball woman that day.
*lots of lucks & cross-finger that all went well please!
& yesterday i have a HOKKIEN CALLER again, make a lots of joke again on that as usual.
& yes, my hokkien is a MAJOR FAIL. i cant even pronounce "2009" i just went "li ling ling gao", which i clever-ly replaced the 0 with "ling" which is chinese.
accordingly to my friend, it should be "kong".
in addition to that, the caller asked what dialect i am, and i nearly wanted to reply i am a "hua yu ren". FYI, i am a hokkien but i can hardly speak in that. :x
thats all for now, back to pile of books/notes/paper etc :(
& thinking what should i settled for dinner? hmmm.
sister just fly off yesterday *safe trip & come back soon!
mum love to travel also *as usual.
P.S. pls help click on my nuffnand ad on the left :D
Thursday, April 01, 2010
constant reminder.
i have to really remind myself constantly. HAVE TO.
it's the day - 1st April.
dont forget about today,

careful of pranks and all ok!
regardless, have a nice april fool day everyone!
ANYWAY, today mark the start of the new financial year at my company,
hope thing goes well for this year please! :)
**needed alot of self-determination & preservance :)
thats about all for now :)
P.S. meizhen & me join force to trick evelyn, such a success :P
P.P.S. enjoy the long weekend ! TGIGF~~~

careful of pranks and all ok!
regardless, have a nice april fool day everyone!
ANYWAY, today mark the start of the new financial year at my company,
hope thing goes well for this year please! :)
**needed alot of self-determination & preservance :)
thats about all for now :)
P.S. meizhen & me join force to trick evelyn, such a success :P
P.P.S. enjoy the long weekend ! TGIGF~~~
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