shouldn't called it OT, since i'm not paid. :(
recently schedule have been damn hectic due to the peak period, school and all the balls thingy.
don't get me wrong, it's netball and basketball.
am looking forward to the street netball game next month.
ytd watched 'absolute boyfriend' at channel u.
that's the new love: the damn loving robot KNIGHT!
gu jun pyo still the best though.
the love between a robot and human is really touching :(
the type of love that never exist in the real world.
if it ever exist, pls let me meet even if it's a robot HAHAHA.
but needless to say, I am well adjust go what I am now =D
gg to celebrate some 1year event soon! Lols~
so here's the photo taken last wed. (:

i am lazy to tag the photo.
in all, i like the one with dino one the most.
and my signature twist have been identified by all.
alright, take care people.
i am tired already.
CONGRATS to tan qiuyun for getting her license.
proud of you! (:
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