today got to be the last day of school and presentation. been missing school so much this week, but well tmr mark the last day of NYP.
and 12days later, it will means that "i would have gradurate." (: oh my, can't imagine. but definitely got to look for a job right after that. rested enought, and its time to work hard now.
i am gg to mass send resume after 25th and hopefully fate lead me to a good job (:
i guessed part time studies got to be hard. i hoped i can pass my bridging test. am starting school in April again. look forward to and luckily enought, i have angie with me HAHA. i knew she is scare i will pon school. =x
and today, have dinner @ hk cafe with joanna.
pasar malam after that and we played this very "huai nian" game.
i rmb i used to play this with ahbu and got blue black everywhere.
as of now, photos with my new "frame".
its a new application i downloaded into my iphone tat i could add in this frame instantly. NICE RIGHT? :P
the GAME- haha.
and the NICE photos by JINGTING (:
these are the photos i just gotten from hweechee and again with NICE frame.
there's a new effect there can you see.
alright, wish me lucks on my exams.
honestly, i am so on holiday mood :(
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