and finally entrepreneur individual project is submitted, if not i will not be here already. tmr another project day~ CMFI. -_-" when can all this stop?! i rather have test now then project and hate it even more when we meet but didnt do much.
today stay backed school til 9.30pm to listen to some risk management talk. have to wear formal to attend the talk, but- i find it quite useless. our tutor call us to go and get to know those people who is beneficial to us in the future but in the end, we didn't interact at all. and afterall, i dun quite understand the talk. worse of all, i felt damn sleepy during the talk.
blame the long lesson of the day~ lesson started at 9am to 1 pm but i have to wait til 7pm before the talk start. i should have follow angie's choice. she choose to go home, must have already predict the talk to be useless. lols. nice game angie~
i dont want take photo with her. haha. just kidding.
see i am really kidding, afterall i am serious in this photo. no making of ugly faces.
me, yun & jo @ kbox cineleisure.
me with bday gal. hope you like our present. yun is a amazing 20 years old beautiful mother.
the voucher we won :D i gave it to my mum liao. lols. she dun wan to let me buy water bottle from sportlink cause she say we have zillions at home so she say she shall have it. haha. DAY LIGHT ROBBERY AH~ just kidding la. i dote my mum ok.
as promised, sis buy this as a reward for my result. afterall, she is a good sis with a lil bad temper and thats all. :D she is still very good to me, i know. so hereby THANKS JIE.
if it is brown colour, it will be prefect cause i am not a pink person but still i love it. thanks. *brown out of stock. :(
anyway now jie out on flight, pray for her safety and bless her to meet nice people rather then political air stewardess :D jie, be strong!
lastly, in case your forget my face, here's 2 of my photos. cause so many friends of mine keep saying i always work. didnt even meet up with them. so i dun wish they forget me haha.
kind of craps the one i wear formal one lols. mum took the photo for me.
tkcare all. i will update often now cause i tink my blogskin is nice. it motivates me ok.
P.S -
Thanks for asking me out so fast for my implementation of my diet plan and u are one i definately want to meet SOON. :D thanks. we have alot to catch up ya :)
Joanne, i am quite happy u came and view my blog. cause i hope i can still keep in touch with your. :D give me your links to ur blog if you have one ok cause i nv get to see u in msn. KBOX! KBOX!
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