i can tolerate nO more. i really feel stRess up~ i dUn feel like liStenin to the fOrever boring IT lesson. not to mention her lAb wOrk. i dOne none of it i tink. if not its around one quarter Only. how can i nOt stress? its the last ICA next week,but i am not a bit prepAre~ hAis, kinda prepare to fAil. bUt my class seen well-prepAred some how. wth! add on to my stress. -_-" anyone help pls?
nOw i gOt twO choice. to pAy attentiOn tRying to get a pAss next week. if nOt, jus cOntinue slackin and fAil my IT. =(( i am afraid i will neEd to repEnt this module. waste-of-time module. . .
seriOusl, i hoped to score for some of the mOdule but was much demOralise when Oral and IT is pulling dOwn my Overall grade. fine, i noe nothings is pRefect. i admit. but i will still tRy~ :) wish me lUcks. i need it lOts.
sOme hOw i find that i dUn really have enOugh time to stUdy for 60% semester exam. omg~ my time management jUs cant mAke it.
i am learnin to treasure him mOre =D
its the proCess of growin up i gUess. afterall i am 18. =P YA, MY CAR LICENSE?
Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
my day~
backed to pOst~
haha, anyone find those photos below fUnny? =P i laugh for Quite some time.
life have been alright~ its time to settle dOwn for stUdy and after tat i can enjoy a whOle of 1 and a half months. =D damn loOkin forward to it. mEanwhile, lets jus put my head in those bOring lectures and tUtorial nOtes. hOpefUlly i can dO well. still, i nOe i wOnt score in Oral and IT la. i am already wOnderin will i fail the upcOmin access test. Omg~ make me like the module, which is so impOssible.
in conclusion, IT and Oral is still a waste-of-time mOdule fOr sUre. lala~ jO will agreed with me ya? =P
sAw vOn, xUe, jO and chel finally ytd. hAven been seein this egg fOr so lOng. did some cAtching up while wOrkin. lUcky i was on shift wiTh wayne aNd tOm~ :) they are goOd la~ and tOm will be sO friendly huh. lOls. cHel seen to be mUch better in her relationship, hopefully she will be xin fu with her army bOi. =) u have my blessing ya. vOn cUt her hair. jO and xUe is still the sAme. realy have the urge to go shop with them. most importantly to dO some catching up =( but cant~ i am wOrking.
nvm, vOn and me are gOin to watch romantic mOvie hand in hand with large popcOrn next sat probably. lOls. =D we also agreed to meet up to stUdy. hopefuly mOre v.gals will be able to gather. i shall see~
chel sAy i have changed. haha, she use chinese phrase leh "nu dao si ba pian". i am really wonderin have i change alot? but is the changes goOd or bad? anyone comment? some times i really feel like cutting my hair. but at another point of time i feel like i wan to keep it long. argh~ so random. -_-"
gOt to go dO my Oral preparation. its goin to be my last presentatiOn for the modUle. blessed me with lUcks. i did badly for the previous one. hais. =((
tats about all. will be backed~
haha, anyone find those photos below fUnny? =P i laugh for Quite some time.
life have been alright~ its time to settle dOwn for stUdy and after tat i can enjoy a whOle of 1 and a half months. =D damn loOkin forward to it. mEanwhile, lets jus put my head in those bOring lectures and tUtorial nOtes. hOpefUlly i can dO well. still, i nOe i wOnt score in Oral and IT la. i am already wOnderin will i fail the upcOmin access test. Omg~ make me like the module, which is so impOssible.
in conclusion, IT and Oral is still a waste-of-time mOdule fOr sUre. lala~ jO will agreed with me ya? =P
sAw vOn, xUe, jO and chel finally ytd. hAven been seein this egg fOr so lOng. did some cAtching up while wOrkin. lUcky i was on shift wiTh wayne aNd tOm~ :) they are goOd la~ and tOm will be sO friendly huh. lOls. cHel seen to be mUch better in her relationship, hopefully she will be xin fu with her army bOi. =) u have my blessing ya. vOn cUt her hair. jO and xUe is still the sAme. realy have the urge to go shop with them. most importantly to dO some catching up =( but cant~ i am wOrking.
nvm, vOn and me are gOin to watch romantic mOvie hand in hand with large popcOrn next sat probably. lOls. =D we also agreed to meet up to stUdy. hopefuly mOre v.gals will be able to gather. i shall see~
chel sAy i have changed. haha, she use chinese phrase leh "nu dao si ba pian". i am really wonderin have i change alot? but is the changes goOd or bad? anyone comment? some times i really feel like cutting my hair. but at another point of time i feel like i wan to keep it long. argh~ so random. -_-"
gOt to go dO my Oral preparation. its goin to be my last presentatiOn for the modUle. blessed me with lUcks. i did badly for the previous one. hais. =((
tats about all. will be backed~
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
. .
jUs have my Oral Quiz 2. another waste-of-time modUle. argh~ failed the quiz. my 10% is gone~ simply dislike this module. gOt to wOrk later. kinda reluctant. -_-"
Monday, July 24, 2006

the first mOvie we wAtched together. havent nOtice times really past. cOuntin dOwn to two weeks before we hit the 1st yeAr mark. =D stupid chEw chOn wee. hope he will make it for the semster exams, all da way~
bOring la~
argh~ i hate pOly life.
currently havin IT lessOns. yet i wasnt paying any attention. i am at the fiRst rOw some mOre -_-" my teacher jus dUn care also. waste of time la. i tink i will screwed up the ICA comin up for this module. nOt interested at all~ =((
weArin fOrmal wear todAy, again~ i jus wOre formal lAst thur. -_-" loOk so Office lady, diSlike. one day, pOly should chaNge their rUle and let pEople like mE to wEar shOrts and t-shIrt for pResentation. haha! tat will be mOre fun ya? Or perhaps mOre relAx~ =P
OFF to dO my assignment~ 0.0 not abit Of excitement can~ argh!! wateva. will be bAcked soOn~
currently havin IT lessOns. yet i wasnt paying any attention. i am at the fiRst rOw some mOre -_-" my teacher jus dUn care also. waste of time la. i tink i will screwed up the ICA comin up for this module. nOt interested at all~ =((
weArin fOrmal wear todAy, again~ i jus wOre formal lAst thur. -_-" loOk so Office lady, diSlike. one day, pOly should chaNge their rUle and let pEople like mE to wEar shOrts and t-shIrt for pResentation. haha! tat will be mOre fun ya? Or perhaps mOre relAx~ =P
OFF to dO my assignment~ 0.0 not abit Of excitement can~ argh!! wateva. will be bAcked soOn~
Saturday, July 22, 2006
baCked to blog~ finally~ i have been siCk for the past few days. sO all i dO is sleep! plenty of rEst. and i am mUch mUch better~ =D
ok, i shall refresh on last sAt. wEnt to sentosa early in the mornin that dAy to played the RipcUrl stuff. we lOst the fiRst match =( not bEcos they are strOng, jUs tat we Are too slAck. still, i enjOyed myself la. it's the prOcess tats counts. my first bEach vB game =D and i lOve the ripCurl shirt. :)
aND dUe to that, i became black AGAIN. -_-" sinCe i step down of rUnnin n vbAll, alot have sAy i become white. bUt ok, the Black me is bAck. 0.0 good oR bAd? nvm, the skin will peel and i will becOme not that blAck. cant be bother much also. =P anyway, my team mates is hOngtAt, bEn and bObby.
tOday is tiring~ wEnt for trainin but befOre that was havin a quArrel with him. i am really Used to quarrel. dUnno y, seEn like it's already a daily rOutine. we will always quarrel, be it small matter. wateva it is, i jUs hOped it make us better not vice versa. ya, we are already fine by nOw.
after tat wEnt tO NYJC to see coach. it have really beEn quite some time since i see him. missed the good old times when we are still havin 3-4 times trainin a week. wAng lAo shi will be there and we will forever be havin fun despite the tough trainin. ok, it will remain in my memOries. =D and i tink reNa finally went through it. hopefully things have been cleAred up. :) no worries la gal~
ok, projects and exams is all cOmin up. one ICA, one prEsentatiOn and one Quiz for me next week and i tink i am nOt on the tracks. =(( i wished to dO well. please!~ preservance!
i have seen him for the 5th times in schoOl. phew~ sUay ar! i was prayin nOt to even see him ok. i seriously n honestly dun wan to see him in the rest of my life. those who is clOse to me will noe which person i am mentionin. get out of my sight~ oky
tats about it. i will try to blog often but i doubt sO, with all those things comin up how to?
=) pOsitive! i will blog soON~ =D tag me!
ok, i shall refresh on last sAt. wEnt to sentosa early in the mornin that dAy to played the RipcUrl stuff. we lOst the fiRst match =( not bEcos they are strOng, jUs tat we Are too slAck. still, i enjOyed myself la. it's the prOcess tats counts. my first bEach vB game =D and i lOve the ripCurl shirt. :)
aND dUe to that, i became black AGAIN. -_-" sinCe i step down of rUnnin n vbAll, alot have sAy i become white. bUt ok, the Black me is bAck. 0.0 good oR bAd? nvm, the skin will peel and i will becOme not that blAck. cant be bother much also. =P anyway, my team mates is hOngtAt, bEn and bObby.
tOday is tiring~ wEnt for trainin but befOre that was havin a quArrel with him. i am really Used to quarrel. dUnno y, seEn like it's already a daily rOutine. we will always quarrel, be it small matter. wateva it is, i jUs hOped it make us better not vice versa. ya, we are already fine by nOw.
after tat wEnt tO NYJC to see coach. it have really beEn quite some time since i see him. missed the good old times when we are still havin 3-4 times trainin a week. wAng lAo shi will be there and we will forever be havin fun despite the tough trainin. ok, it will remain in my memOries. =D and i tink reNa finally went through it. hopefully things have been cleAred up. :) no worries la gal~
ok, projects and exams is all cOmin up. one ICA, one prEsentatiOn and one Quiz for me next week and i tink i am nOt on the tracks. =(( i wished to dO well. please!~ preservance!
i have seen him for the 5th times in schoOl. phew~ sUay ar! i was prayin nOt to even see him ok. i seriously n honestly dun wan to see him in the rest of my life. those who is clOse to me will noe which person i am mentionin. get out of my sight~ oky
tats about it. i will try to blog often but i doubt sO, with all those things comin up how to?
=) pOsitive! i will blog soON~ =D tag me!
Friday, July 14, 2006
class from 9am to 1pm. work from 2pm-9.30pm. i am died -_-" real tired~ hang on hang on.
projects is like never-endin. my time is all tight together. no time for me to rest~
i jus hoped i can go through all this. Oral ICA 2 is indeed badly done. i got my first C. =(( ya, sad. i will do better the next time. =D positive is better. at least in this way i felt much much better =P tHe Quiz was so badly done, but good enough i secure a pass. =) i should be contented.
my in-charge leaved. i am sad, no one accompany me home now. i miss her real lots. =(( fion, thanks for all u have teach me. soon, another 2 will be leaving. i dunno if the others are staying as it only left with 3 of us. it's been so sian to wOrk now. miss!!
von if u are readin tis, i hope u are fine. do get over it soon ok. u always have our support and we will be there for u ANYTIME. =D all the way alright.
gtg~ sis is nagging ALWAYS. =P will update soon.
projects is like never-endin. my time is all tight together. no time for me to rest~
i jus hoped i can go through all this. Oral ICA 2 is indeed badly done. i got my first C. =(( ya, sad. i will do better the next time. =D positive is better. at least in this way i felt much much better =P tHe Quiz was so badly done, but good enough i secure a pass. =) i should be contented.
my in-charge leaved. i am sad, no one accompany me home now. i miss her real lots. =(( fion, thanks for all u have teach me. soon, another 2 will be leaving. i dunno if the others are staying as it only left with 3 of us. it's been so sian to wOrk now. miss!!
von if u are readin tis, i hope u are fine. do get over it soon ok. u always have our support and we will be there for u ANYTIME. =D all the way alright.
gtg~ sis is nagging ALWAYS. =P will update soon.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
i shall refresh on how i spend my last sat.
have trainin at yuying, didnt played well~ things dun go my ways nowadays. =( after tat went to meet v.gals.
inital plan was to meet up with vOn and xUe to chat. but we change our venue to causeway point so sUling can meet us after her wOrk. didnt know jO will meet us after tat toO. =D 5 out of 8 turn up, not tat bAd afterall ya? have a great time catching up. its obvious how we all have changed, all in different path now. some wOrkin, the others studying in different poly. still, we gather to talk bout everything. =) great that we are still able tO share bit n pieces of secrets and stuffs.
Xue is starting school soOn, she is taking some casino course. hOpe things do go well for her. =D and hope she did enjoys the little celebration we have for her tat day, it was fun i guess? =P I got her a present too =) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!
As for vOn, she really need to get back to the study tracks. we still have a long way to go, see we are only year 1. all the way alright? =D
JO went to cut her boy boy style again!! she jus dun listen to us. but its good la, at least she like it. ya, tats her. her own style. =)
Suling is now wOrkin~ and i can see happiness in her. finally, i felt happy for her too.
all this good things shall remain. and i must continue to word hard towards my target.
omg~ i hurt my back! and the exams time table is out. i am scared~ i can feel the stress comin now~ -_-"
off to do my project. anyway i make the decision to quit nyp vball team. i dunno whether issit a good idea, but wat else can i do. i have to know wats more important. and i dun see the point in stayin, i am NOT happy in there. tats about all =D i am still the happy me.
anyway FRANCE lost. =( and i lost 5 dollars.
have trainin at yuying, didnt played well~ things dun go my ways nowadays. =( after tat went to meet v.gals.
inital plan was to meet up with vOn and xUe to chat. but we change our venue to causeway point so sUling can meet us after her wOrk. didnt know jO will meet us after tat toO. =D 5 out of 8 turn up, not tat bAd afterall ya? have a great time catching up. its obvious how we all have changed, all in different path now. some wOrkin, the others studying in different poly. still, we gather to talk bout everything. =) great that we are still able tO share bit n pieces of secrets and stuffs.
Xue is starting school soOn, she is taking some casino course. hOpe things do go well for her. =D and hope she did enjoys the little celebration we have for her tat day, it was fun i guess? =P I got her a present too =) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!
As for vOn, she really need to get back to the study tracks. we still have a long way to go, see we are only year 1. all the way alright? =D
JO went to cut her boy boy style again!! she jus dun listen to us. but its good la, at least she like it. ya, tats her. her own style. =)
Suling is now wOrkin~ and i can see happiness in her. finally, i felt happy for her too.
all this good things shall remain. and i must continue to word hard towards my target.
omg~ i hurt my back! and the exams time table is out. i am scared~ i can feel the stress comin now~ -_-"
off to do my project. anyway i make the decision to quit nyp vball team. i dunno whether issit a good idea, but wat else can i do. i have to know wats more important. and i dun see the point in stayin, i am NOT happy in there. tats about all =D i am still the happy me.
anyway FRANCE lost. =( and i lost 5 dollars.
i shall refresh on how i spend my last sat.
have trainin at yuying, didnt played well~ things dun go my ways nowadays. =( after tat went to meet v.gals.
inital plan was to meet up with vOn and xUe to chat. but we change our venue to causeway point so sUling can meet us after her wOrk. didnt know jO will meet us after tat toO. =D 5 out of 8 turn up, not tat bAd afterall ya? have a great time catching up. its obvious how we all have changed, all in different path now. some wOrkin, the others studying in different poly. still, we gather to talk bout everything. =) great that we are still able tO share bit n pieces of secrets and stuffs.
Xue is starting school soOn, she is taking some casino course. hOpe things do go well for her. =D and hope she did enjoys the little celebration we have for her tat day, it was fun i guess? =P I got her a present too =) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!
As for vOn, she really need to get back to the study tracks. we still have a long way to go, see we are only year 1. all the way alright? =D
JO went to cut her boy boy style again!! she jus dun listen to us. but its good la, at least she like it. ya, tats her. her own style. =)
Suling is now wOrkin~ and i can see happiness in her. finally, i felt happy for her too.
all this good things shall remain. and i must continue to word hard towards my target.
omg~ i hurt my back! and the exams time table is out. i am scared~ i can feel the stress comin now~ -_-"
off to do my project. anyway i make the decision to quit nyp vball team. i dunno whether issit a good idea, but wat else can i do. i have to know wats more important. and i dun see the point in stayin, i am NOT happy in there. tats about all =D i am still the happy me.
anyway FRANCE lost. =( and i lost 5 dollars.
have trainin at yuying, didnt played well~ things dun go my ways nowadays. =( after tat went to meet v.gals.
inital plan was to meet up with vOn and xUe to chat. but we change our venue to causeway point so sUling can meet us after her wOrk. didnt know jO will meet us after tat toO. =D 5 out of 8 turn up, not tat bAd afterall ya? have a great time catching up. its obvious how we all have changed, all in different path now. some wOrkin, the others studying in different poly. still, we gather to talk bout everything. =) great that we are still able tO share bit n pieces of secrets and stuffs.
Xue is starting school soOn, she is taking some casino course. hOpe things do go well for her. =D and hope she did enjoys the little celebration we have for her tat day, it was fun i guess? =P I got her a present too =) HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!
As for vOn, she really need to get back to the study tracks. we still have a long way to go, see we are only year 1. all the way alright? =D
JO went to cut her boy boy style again!! she jus dun listen to us. but its good la, at least she like it. ya, tats her. her own style. =)
Suling is now wOrkin~ and i can see happiness in her. finally, i felt happy for her too.
all this good things shall remain. and i must continue to word hard towards my target.
omg~ i hurt my back! and the exams time table is out. i am scared~ i can feel the stress comin now~ -_-"
off to do my project. anyway i make the decision to quit nyp vball team. i dunno whether issit a good idea, but wat else can i do. i have to know wats more important. and i dun see the point in stayin, i am NOT happy in there. tats about all =D i am still the happy me.
anyway FRANCE lost. =( and i lost 5 dollars.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
sick ytd. terrible headache and sOre throat. i seriously have a phobia fOr headaChe nOw. it's almost killed me ytd~ but the twO extra panadol save me. but all this result in me missin 6hr of lesson. 4hr of statistic and 2 hr of accounting. alright i am guilty. =((
i watched world cup ytd. little did i expect Brazil and england will be out of tOp 4 =( they are the two team i noe more about.
the tOp 4 is left with Portugal, France, Germany and Italy.
ytd, i watched the semi final Germany Vs Italy. i tink its quite boring until it reaches the extra time. the scOre is 2-0, with Italy entering the final. i bet with him Germany will enter final~ -_-" alright, i will own him a free meal. tOday is France VS Portugal. i hoped Portugal will win, cause i still cant figure out why France win Brazil 0.0 i shall see.
wOrldcup is cOmin to an eNd, GOod OR bAd?
Oral lesson is seriously a waste of time, but i dun wished to pon any more lesson so here i am attendin this play cOm lesson. oh, wth =P
alright, tats about all. my doom day is cOmin soon. the semester exam is in mid of August. 1 mth plus left. all the way!~
i watched world cup ytd. little did i expect Brazil and england will be out of tOp 4 =( they are the two team i noe more about.
the tOp 4 is left with Portugal, France, Germany and Italy.
ytd, i watched the semi final Germany Vs Italy. i tink its quite boring until it reaches the extra time. the scOre is 2-0, with Italy entering the final. i bet with him Germany will enter final~ -_-" alright, i will own him a free meal. tOday is France VS Portugal. i hoped Portugal will win, cause i still cant figure out why France win Brazil 0.0 i shall see.
wOrldcup is cOmin to an eNd, GOod OR bAd?
Oral lesson is seriously a waste of time, but i dun wished to pon any more lesson so here i am attendin this play cOm lesson. oh, wth =P
alright, tats about all. my doom day is cOmin soon. the semester exam is in mid of August. 1 mth plus left. all the way!~
Monday, July 03, 2006
my birthday~
[[my birthday]] eh actually nth mUch. i just treat it as any other day, happy cOz i am finally 18. can dO alot more stuffs. =P i lOve to have fUn!! hopefully i am not too greedy, i make 3 wishes this yeAr. i wont say it out here, like wat ppl sAy "once u said it out, it will not come true". =D i am praying it all cOme true.
wOrked frOm 10.30am-7.00pm on my dAy, after tat went to meet him to have our dinner. haha, at kopitiam. but wat make my dAy is, we take another neoprints. it's the fifth one after so lOng. =(( it dun really loOk great but he like it, so i like it toO. =P i planned to gO bugis to shop but dUe to his laziness we only gO causeway. -_-" it's my bday, shouldnt i bE the biggest? argh~ i got used to his laziness, no chOice but to give in. he shall be given the title "MR LAZY BUM"!!
todAy go for cca after lesson. despite my home wOrk all undone, i still went. but however i regret gOing. it's unfair to me, and it really make me think its a wasting of time. so wAt if u play better than others? it's not being appreciate. i mayb givin up soOn. i am not happy, tats all i wan say. =((
tats about all, i have a instinct i will do bad for the ICAs comin up. nO!! it shall never happen. i must go do my tutOrials now. 0.0 my life~
i will write bout this sms my friend send me [be HAPPY on your BITHDAY]. i tink its meaningful and sweet. thanks all~
wOrked frOm 10.30am-7.00pm on my dAy, after tat went to meet him to have our dinner. haha, at kopitiam. but wat make my dAy is, we take another neoprints. it's the fifth one after so lOng. =(( it dun really loOk great but he like it, so i like it toO. =P i planned to gO bugis to shop but dUe to his laziness we only gO causeway. -_-" it's my bday, shouldnt i bE the biggest? argh~ i got used to his laziness, no chOice but to give in. he shall be given the title "MR LAZY BUM"!!
todAy go for cca after lesson. despite my home wOrk all undone, i still went. but however i regret gOing. it's unfair to me, and it really make me think its a wasting of time. so wAt if u play better than others? it's not being appreciate. i mayb givin up soOn. i am not happy, tats all i wan say. =((
tats about all, i have a instinct i will do bad for the ICAs comin up. nO!! it shall never happen. i must go do my tutOrials now. 0.0 my life~
i will write bout this sms my friend send me [be HAPPY on your BITHDAY]. i tink its meaningful and sweet. thanks all~
i was wrong. TOTALLY. full with guilt.
he actually did remembered my day. =(( sOrry. i really appreciate ur "surprise". afterall u are still worth it. sorry for my stupid temper and childish thinkin. still, Sorry once again. you are the best. =P
changed my skin during lesson and postin a short post. this showed how boring and wastin of time my lesson are. -_-" i hate IT lesson. only thing i enjoyed is i can use com. wth, poly-life u see.
will talk bout how i spend my bday on the next post. thanks to all fOr ur greeting. i am finally 18. lols. =D
he actually did remembered my day. =(( sOrry. i really appreciate ur "surprise". afterall u are still worth it. sorry for my stupid temper and childish thinkin. still, Sorry once again. you are the best. =P
changed my skin during lesson and postin a short post. this showed how boring and wastin of time my lesson are. -_-" i hate IT lesson. only thing i enjoyed is i can use com. wth, poly-life u see.
will talk bout how i spend my bday on the next post. thanks to all fOr ur greeting. i am finally 18. lols. =D
Saturday, July 01, 2006
i am on my way quiting this habit of mine. one week since i have blog, like wat i have say "on my way". so be patient with me =P
results taken baCk this week was quite ok, at least i passed all so far. but wat more worrying is Marketing. i noe i have done badly, so i jus have to accept wateva i got and work harder the next time. i am quilty for not studying for tat, at the same time i am regret =( i screw up the Oral presentation too. my teacher was so HONEST to me, know wat she say? "you are worse this time". it make my day real bad, greatly affected by wat she say. one semester have pass but here i am, still not used to poly life. omg!! give me more time if not i jus got to do wat i can. ICAs, tutorial and lectures are driving me crazy. 0.0
i haven been constant in my school trainin too. all in a mess. wth~ grant me 48 hours a day. =D i will be much happier.
i hoped i can do my best for this last yr of mine. i wan to go there and i set my target clear. now, i jus wan to work hard toward it and get wat i deserve. =D all the way!! however, today i felt that i played badly. hais, i really wished to do well. i did tried but the feelin arent there. =(( i will do better the next time and never shall i give up. it affect me the whole day.
nowadays thing are all not going my way. the only thing i can do is try my best. =D ya, i will be optimistic. ahbu n sAb encouragement do works, thanks gals.
i seriously reached my limits. i am really wondering wat he take me as. its my day tml and he jus spoil it like nobody business. i wanted to end this relationship times and times again but i always fail. soft-hearted, have lead me to all this. i dun wan to continue this way. wat i see now is, he is taking me for granted and i seriously hate it. i am not goin to be bother bout this relationship anymore. . . disappointed.
i am eighteen tml, i am going to take my car license soon. =) i shall be happy and not let him spoil it. for he is no longer worth it. i see it clearly now.
results taken baCk this week was quite ok, at least i passed all so far. but wat more worrying is Marketing. i noe i have done badly, so i jus have to accept wateva i got and work harder the next time. i am quilty for not studying for tat, at the same time i am regret =( i screw up the Oral presentation too. my teacher was so HONEST to me, know wat she say? "you are worse this time". it make my day real bad, greatly affected by wat she say. one semester have pass but here i am, still not used to poly life. omg!! give me more time if not i jus got to do wat i can. ICAs, tutorial and lectures are driving me crazy. 0.0
i haven been constant in my school trainin too. all in a mess. wth~ grant me 48 hours a day. =D i will be much happier.
i hoped i can do my best for this last yr of mine. i wan to go there and i set my target clear. now, i jus wan to work hard toward it and get wat i deserve. =D all the way!! however, today i felt that i played badly. hais, i really wished to do well. i did tried but the feelin arent there. =(( i will do better the next time and never shall i give up. it affect me the whole day.
nowadays thing are all not going my way. the only thing i can do is try my best. =D ya, i will be optimistic. ahbu n sAb encouragement do works, thanks gals.
i seriously reached my limits. i am really wondering wat he take me as. its my day tml and he jus spoil it like nobody business. i wanted to end this relationship times and times again but i always fail. soft-hearted, have lead me to all this. i dun wan to continue this way. wat i see now is, he is taking me for granted and i seriously hate it. i am not goin to be bother bout this relationship anymore. . . disappointed.
i am eighteen tml, i am going to take my car license soon. =) i shall be happy and not let him spoil it. for he is no longer worth it. i see it clearly now.
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