Sunday, June 26, 2005


finally sChool reoPen tml~ shall start stUdyin hArd. all the wAy! haha, i wish i cAn be cOnstant. wAs qUite a bOrin hOlidAy Esp the lAst twO weeks. bOred till death. bUt it wAs a memOrable hOlidAy, mAny stUffs happened. be it sAd oR happy one, its all unfOrgOtable. as mentiOn earlier [12062005] will be remembered always. dUnno wAt else tO say. yep, my lOads of hw is finishin. bUt~ my chEm -_-". tMl will be a new schOol term n its ten mOre week to e prelims. teachers have been mentiOnin befOre the hOlidAy. nO mUch times to be wasted.
i missed the times.

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