Sunday, June 12, 2005


ended. u19 ended within 2 week, i guessed it's really fast enOught. =) happy we gOt the champ. was a tough fight with pHs alumni. lUcky we did shOwed our sMb spirits, the never sAY die attitUde. didnt reAlly played well buT played my beSt le. tink afTer dOin my foot work it helps better, mUch better. the fifth sEt will alwAys be remember, oR i shAll sAy i will remember tis mAtch always. a memOrable mAtch indeed, first time sMb emerge as chAmp. everyOne is overjOyed, thus i tink everyOne enjoyed the togethernEss n spirits thrOughout tis cOmpetitiOn. this will add on to my preciOus memOries =D thAnkss to them.
k, bAck to nOw. i tink prOblems is sUrfacin again. hAis. wat to dO? i jUs hOped we remAin tis wAy. wAteva~
tink i gOt to stArt revisin schoOl work next week le. i dUn wan to deprOve mUs be cOnstant if nOt better. tats all bA.

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