Monday, June 27, 2005

start Of terM 3..

finally!~ schoOl stArted. qUIte bOrin as it was the firSt dAy. wasted a lOt of time in those spOt-cheCk, singin Of natiOnal anthem eTc. moOdy-mOnday. anyway, i grew shOrter when everyOne say i seen tO grow taller. =( sAdistic. increased 0.5kg, arGh~ fAT me! i wish i cAn cOntrOl my diet better. bUt nevertheless, sweets is a mUst.
0.0 aNyway i cUt my hAir, reAl short this time. nOt really niCe i tink. nVm, cOnsole myself bY sayin it will grOw baCk. it will need a lOng times tO grOw bY then. i dUnno y i gOt e cOurage tO cUt until so shOrt. a tOtal difFerent lOok, i gUessed sO. let it be, wAt dOne cAnt be undOne. cOme to think of it, my first time shOrt hair lOok in sEc life. lOls, dUnno hOw to react.
lOokin fOrward to e rest of schOol dAys. mUggin n muggin~ i wan to be cOnstant. bUt still i m lAck of sleep. -_-" tC all.
i wished u r there.

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