working today was good cause my time past fast. faster than i thought it will be.
i know it's just a saturday. but this used to be one of my favourite day. althought it no longer mean anything.
nora was telling me all this is "rebounce". i finally understand the meaning. and for everything she told me just make alot of sense to me.
i guess she really understand how i feel without me saying anything.
i am thankful for she being there always. you know i will be there for you too, this i promise.
thanks gal. i know this is part and parcel.
recently, i received quite a few sms - unexpected one.
what touched me is that, those i never expect to be there is there for me.
those sms really means alot to me. really alot. you never know how i felt when i see those sms, the tears just nearly falls.
obviously what i am goin through now is not easy and i am glad for those unexpected sms i receive cause it's really heart warming.
i know one day thing will be over.
i am just gladful to have my friend with me, at least i am not alone.
i know i need to be strong but the tears are gradually uncontrollable anymore. . .
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
singapore flyer.
singapore flyer pic with mum.
mum, i promised i will be back to the daughter i used to be before my birthday. and i am sorry for everything is this period of time. i promised i will be backed.
anyway, i am glad everything is cleared.
enjoy the picture as everything is so beautiful. if only. .
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
messed up routine once again.
every one is saying the same thing and i have to accept it - the reality in the hardest way.
just give me time. i am numb enough for everything now.
and from now onwards, i shall not share - at least not to those who i already see through.
HUMAN - the scariest creature alive.
and u almost scare me to death instantly. apparently, i might have really been blind to thought you was good. and spare me that changing attitude of yours.
anyway, its a lesson taught and learn. it shall not be repeated anymore. you are no longer in my category.
randomly, i hope everyday can be occupied 24 hours. AND, i hate to be alone.
i have so much that i cant voice out here. fine, i take it.
i might not know everything but never am i influenced by anything. i judge cause of the way u made me feel. the feeling is really very real.and i will trust that you have your reason for treating me in this way. i never blame you and never will i. and mayb one day if you tink i changed, just rmb i have not. i still want to keep to that promise made.
i will only say this for once and the last. just pls remember.
tiffany and co. - my only motivation.
thanks for being there.
just give me time. i am numb enough for everything now.
and from now onwards, i shall not share - at least not to those who i already see through.
HUMAN - the scariest creature alive.
and u almost scare me to death instantly. apparently, i might have really been blind to thought you was good. and spare me that changing attitude of yours.
anyway, its a lesson taught and learn. it shall not be repeated anymore. you are no longer in my category.
randomly, i hope everyday can be occupied 24 hours. AND, i hate to be alone.
i have so much that i cant voice out here. fine, i take it.
i might not know everything but never am i influenced by anything. i judge cause of the way u made me feel. the feeling is really very real.and i will trust that you have your reason for treating me in this way. i never blame you and never will i. and mayb one day if you tink i changed, just rmb i have not. i still want to keep to that promise made.
i will only say this for once and the last. just pls remember.
tiffany and co. - my only motivation.
thanks for being there.
Monday, November 24, 2008
if all of your is telling me to do that, i made sure one day if i really do that. you guys will not have anything hiding from me.
and i dont know i should thanks your now or what.
but. i am now going to register and accept what i see.
i really wondering is this what FRIEND.
i am just so lucky.
and for any other thing beside that, just know the limits. i am not stupid.
sorry for the ugly post, although its so unlike of me but the situation now is making me crazy.
if all of your is telling me to do that, i made sure one day if i really do that. you guys will not have anything hiding from me.
and i dont know i should thanks your now or what.
but. i am now going to register and accept what i see.
i really wondering is this what FRIEND.
i am just so lucky.
and for any other thing beside that, just know the limits. i am not stupid.
sorry for the ugly post, although its so unlike of me but the situation now is making me crazy.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
my shoutout : 'i am wondering if i am still that strong to handle all this?"
what should i really say now i dunno. thanks peeps for being there for me. yes, i have fallen down yet again, perhaps only deeper this time. and issnt this what everyone have expected.
i am questioning myself whether i am strong enough to get back, i know i will one day. but when will that day come that i will be backed to my usual self. i miss the secondary JING.
i hate it this way, i really hate being a weak gal. i hate it even more when i cant control the tears.
what i am gg thru this 3 months is really very extreme, its really reaching my limits.
is this wha growing up should be?
can i stop being the strong gal. i hate myself now.
the once-so-treasure-memories.
what should i really say now i dunno. thanks peeps for being there for me. yes, i have fallen down yet again, perhaps only deeper this time. and issnt this what everyone have expected.
i am questioning myself whether i am strong enough to get back, i know i will one day. but when will that day come that i will be backed to my usual self. i miss the secondary JING.
i hate it this way, i really hate being a weak gal. i hate it even more when i cant control the tears.
what i am gg thru this 3 months is really very extreme, its really reaching my limits.
is this wha growing up should be?
can i stop being the strong gal. i hate myself now.
the once-so-treasure-memories.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
halloween + all
been 2 weeks since i last post - reason being, no mood, lazy and busy.
rachel been nagging me since. she is like a professional blogger now who post daily and i guess i do love reading her eggy blog :) keep this going pls. :D
and for me blogging now, she threaten me to do so, with ugly shots of me in her phone :( lols, no la, i have the urge to dump this 2 week stuffs here too :) *i must say this in case she threaten me again you see. :P
new school team started 2 week already, and i have been skipping quite a few tutorial and a relatively more lectures. but with attendence taken~ thanks mary! :) i shall treat you to our well-known prata or your preferred yong tou hu.
like what mary say, its the last sem so we have to work duperly hard, but at the other hand i m telling myself just make it end in a good way with no regrets. i shall not pon any more tutorial for now! any motivation pills + some determination jabs? i seriously need it.
and pls mary tan! stop using that phrase on me "HONESTY IS THE BEST INTEGRITY". you know why! i m a honest gal afterall ok, except for that little flaw. :)
anyway, this sem is one of e toughest sem i guess. with 5 examinated modules that will make our face green like what gero say ytd. lols~ she is still as funny in sec school. :) all the best to your remaining yr in sp.
modules this sem are those chin-me-logy names as follows :
-Personal Financial Plannning & Life Insurance
-International Finance & Treasury
-Alternative Investment and Hedge Funds
-Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
-International Business
-Human Resource Management
the first 4 sound "wow" right? only the last 2 sound normal and familiar to me. and the best thing is 2 modules is new modules in nyp with no past yr paper. thing cant be better already. =X they are bold in red cause it feel like KILLER. :)
rachel been nagging me since. she is like a professional blogger now who post daily and i guess i do love reading her eggy blog :) keep this going pls. :D
and for me blogging now, she threaten me to do so, with ugly shots of me in her phone :( lols, no la, i have the urge to dump this 2 week stuffs here too :) *i must say this in case she threaten me again you see. :P
new school team started 2 week already, and i have been skipping quite a few tutorial and a relatively more lectures. but with attendence taken~ thanks mary! :) i shall treat you to our well-known prata or your preferred yong tou hu.
like what mary say, its the last sem so we have to work duperly hard, but at the other hand i m telling myself just make it end in a good way with no regrets. i shall not pon any more tutorial for now! any motivation pills + some determination jabs? i seriously need it.
and pls mary tan! stop using that phrase on me "HONESTY IS THE BEST INTEGRITY". you know why! i m a honest gal afterall ok, except for that little flaw. :)
anyway, this sem is one of e toughest sem i guess. with 5 examinated modules that will make our face green like what gero say ytd. lols~ she is still as funny in sec school. :) all the best to your remaining yr in sp.
modules this sem are those chin-me-logy names as follows :
-Personal Financial Plannning & Life Insurance
-International Finance & Treasury
-Alternative Investment and Hedge Funds
-Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
-International Business
-Human Resource Management
the first 4 sound "wow" right? only the last 2 sound normal and familiar to me. and the best thing is 2 modules is new modules in nyp with no past yr paper. thing cant be better already. =X they are bold in red cause it feel like KILLER. :)
and this is what we dowhen lecture get bored. photo-taking & iphone-ing. lols.
my MEIJI choco which look so outstanding among my lecture notes. COOL!
i am finishing everything by 28th Feb and there it is, whether its UOL, RMIT or local university later, we shall see. :) pls pray for me, for now i am still hanging on and trying to be a good hardworking student.
ok enough of boring school. now a little track back here and there.
halloween night with bu and material. decided on kbox til 6am instead of double o cause its too crowded. photos do the talking~
fnally we managed to smile without teeth together. i seriously miss my frindge. anyway, just to update i went to cut bangs which is very @#$%^
MY DEAR HAIR PLS GROW FASTER :D i promise i will not do silly thing to your anymore. and qx stop laughing at my hair!! i know its POWER.
went singapore flyer with mum too. but shouldnt elaborate now til i get those photo out from my camera :) finally bring mum there for her mother's day gift with the kenko fish spa. superb! :D
MUSE - Suling's dance concert at republic poly. the school really is nice looking and not figetting the dance was WOW. :) its worth my 10bucks.
ok trust me she will also kill me for mentioning her chinese name but honestly i love this friend of mine. :) shall keep this friendship strong, more years to count. does she look like me anyway?
one thing for sure, we do think alike. all the way to your dreams and not fogetting :
CONGRATS ON GETTING LICENSE. you are the 3rd in vgals. proud of you. i am removing "PRO" plate soon, but my driving skills really no word to describe. hais.
nvm, i am gg to train! :D
"gal, you should have more confidence in yourself ok".
me and von are surprised by how well you can dance. trust me, you are really not bad. :D
:) all the way for your dance. i really know nuts about dance so can just give that moral support to you but i very much want to see u n jo dance together HA!
the above photo is always making me laugh, spot that funny thing. ok, i am gg to make it my wall paper to cheer me up for all the moody days.
my team have ahbu, gero and rachel but we lose. good experience though, the gals was really tough and made poor egg shivered. lols~
1st match was very not right ha. 2nd match with them was a better one, cause defence and attack was more fierce lols. i love the 2 lay up. but my free throw really sucks. lols. i gotten 4 free throw in total but NONE go in. now i know the tactics for getting free throw. HA!
bu, gero and egg will know my tactics. and poor us was very much "season". bu keep saying bout the arm pit thingy. if u are reading pls stop mentioning it cause it's damn funny ok AHBU!
AND the knee on my back and chest was powerful enough. old back injuries welcome back, i hope u go away faster if not i dont know how many sleepless nights. -_-"
i want play more 3on3 pls. can we train more together? and now, every tue is a basketball day now. :D
and i almost forget i have a deal with IRON WEIJIAN. where is our 1vs1? i made sure one day we finished the game! and stop telling m how pro u are lols, we shall see it one day ok~
i feel very much like eating string ray and kangkong! been wanting to eat but nv succeed. :( anyone want to delivered it to my house :D
bu, gero and egg will know my tactics. and poor us was very much "season". bu keep saying bout the arm pit thingy. if u are reading pls stop mentioning it cause it's damn funny ok AHBU!
AND the knee on my back and chest was powerful enough. old back injuries welcome back, i hope u go away faster if not i dont know how many sleepless nights. -_-"
i want play more 3on3 pls. can we train more together? and now, every tue is a basketball day now. :D
and i almost forget i have a deal with IRON WEIJIAN. where is our 1vs1? i made sure one day we finished the game! and stop telling m how pro u are lols, we shall see it one day ok~
i feel very much like eating string ray and kangkong! been wanting to eat but nv succeed. :( anyone want to delivered it to my house :D
kbox/party world again pls :P
and before i end,
can i know who wrote this for me outside beary and friends. got to know about it through yun but til now i still cant figure out who wrote this.
i very much want to know who wrote it. thanks :)
*i am happy for what it is now. pls maintain JINGTING. :) backbackback to the JING i used to be.
thanks for your advice :D qx and iron, and yes i know your got standard one, nv fail to make me laugh.
imu once again. you are nv out before-jkjm.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
rainbow after rainy days.
ok thing are fine now. bf is still good :D things are cleared and i hoped it make us stronger :) i will not want to let go unless you do idiot! :P
nice to see him for the second book out. this week have been pretty slack for him with no road march. anyway he gotten some mark man thingy and was able to come out for a few hours last fri night. but his surprise plan for me was not successful. but i appreciate it ok.
so this week will be super fierce. 16km march this friday that's really POWER. but he can make it for sure. jiayou ah! :) guess he will be real tired on sat bookout. maybe i can go fetch him. shall see how. i will try to request off first. pray!
and this time round bf was not as quiet. he still love to sing those funny army songs. which is very funny and nice too. and trust me i guess i will sing them as days goes by.
"left toe, right toe, keep on the tempo."
ok, its sound so funny even when i am typing now lols.
some recall back - on saturday, i was riding bicycle home all the way while he run and sing all the way wahaha. he really sing all the way trust me.
see i am good, accompany him train. and it was the first time ride to sembawang with my powerful bicycle to deliver towel and drink before i ride home and he run :) he is getting thin. oh my, i must slim down before i look fat next to him.
and i saw his pull up 6 times. aim for this week is 7 times! i shall hear from his ippt result tmr. :)
and it was gelare dinner at sunplaza before he book in. service was lousy food was not good. only ice cream was alright. shall not visit there often. anyone nice recommendation for nice good food near north area? tell me how to go too. thanks! :)
thats about all. thing is already back to normal and i hope we can make it work out together. i am missing him already and ok 6 more day to see him. :)
am lazy to post the photo for now. there's one jo in halloween wear i will post it one day! :D
anyway, thanks for those who text me and make me know you care. i am very happy and touched to get those sms, phone call and stuff. we shall meet up soon ok vgals.
and tmr is the start of my last semester. attachment have ended and i really thanks eric, sharon, victor, grace, david, vivianna, michelle, vincent and richard for making my stay there a very enjoyable one.
am concern about my result as well. shall wait and see, for whatever grade i gotten, i will be contented cause i really learn alot there. thats the most important part isnt it?
okay, i shall really start my ipp report tmr. its such a headache but one thing to happy about is TOMORROW SCHOOL START AT 2PM.
i am excited about school tmr cause its been some time since i went back cause of the 2.5months attachement. wish me all the best for tmr last semester. i shall work hard and all the way :)
i am a happy girl now. love.
nice to see him for the second book out. this week have been pretty slack for him with no road march. anyway he gotten some mark man thingy and was able to come out for a few hours last fri night. but his surprise plan for me was not successful. but i appreciate it ok.
so this week will be super fierce. 16km march this friday that's really POWER. but he can make it for sure. jiayou ah! :) guess he will be real tired on sat bookout. maybe i can go fetch him. shall see how. i will try to request off first. pray!
and this time round bf was not as quiet. he still love to sing those funny army songs. which is very funny and nice too. and trust me i guess i will sing them as days goes by.
"left toe, right toe, keep on the tempo."
ok, its sound so funny even when i am typing now lols.
some recall back - on saturday, i was riding bicycle home all the way while he run and sing all the way wahaha. he really sing all the way trust me.
see i am good, accompany him train. and it was the first time ride to sembawang with my powerful bicycle to deliver towel and drink before i ride home and he run :) he is getting thin. oh my, i must slim down before i look fat next to him.
and i saw his pull up 6 times. aim for this week is 7 times! i shall hear from his ippt result tmr. :)
and it was gelare dinner at sunplaza before he book in. service was lousy food was not good. only ice cream was alright. shall not visit there often. anyone nice recommendation for nice good food near north area? tell me how to go too. thanks! :)
thats about all. thing is already back to normal and i hope we can make it work out together. i am missing him already and ok 6 more day to see him. :)
am lazy to post the photo for now. there's one jo in halloween wear i will post it one day! :D
anyway, thanks for those who text me and make me know you care. i am very happy and touched to get those sms, phone call and stuff. we shall meet up soon ok vgals.
and tmr is the start of my last semester. attachment have ended and i really thanks eric, sharon, victor, grace, david, vivianna, michelle, vincent and richard for making my stay there a very enjoyable one.
am concern about my result as well. shall wait and see, for whatever grade i gotten, i will be contented cause i really learn alot there. thats the most important part isnt it?
okay, i shall really start my ipp report tmr. its such a headache but one thing to happy about is TOMORROW SCHOOL START AT 2PM.
i am excited about school tmr cause its been some time since i went back cause of the 2.5months attachement. wish me all the best for tmr last semester. i shall work hard and all the way :)
i am a happy girl now. love.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
2nd bookout
woke up at 1plus today when i sleep at 7am ytd. reason is very simple but thing dont turn out the way i thought i will be.
can anyone tell me what i must do, cause i really think i tried enough to be a good gf. i dont wish things to be this way. but i dont think it's in my control.
or mayb i tink too much? but i really dunno where the stress come from. been thinking since last night phone call. and i always thought i have been a very understanding and supporting gf to him but now i doubt that statement.
damn sian now. i hope i can go into a deep slumber and when i wake up thing will all be settled. and i can see him.
thats really . . . speechless.
can anyone tell me what i must do, cause i really think i tried enough to be a good gf. i dont wish things to be this way. but i dont think it's in my control.
or mayb i tink too much? but i really dunno where the stress come from. been thinking since last night phone call. and i always thought i have been a very understanding and supporting gf to him but now i doubt that statement.
damn sian now. i hope i can go into a deep slumber and when i wake up thing will all be settled. and i can see him.
thats really . . . speechless.
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