tml i just hope my opponent will be gentle :) lols. will just treat it as a game.. playing with ahbu n gero ILLEGALLY. haha~ cause was supposed to be for SBM student only and furthermore my 2 partner are Singapore Poly one. lols. keep it a secret til it end. will tell your the result.
anyway previous post was emo just ignore.
next 2 week will be surround by ICAs and Project. so will be working lesser. :D happy but now is actually the time they needed help the most. Felt kind of guilty cause didnt help out during such season. cause all along i have stay for 1 yr plus, main reason is the college there, trust me they are nice people. i do enjoys working with them for the 1 whole year and i love the gatherings. prata, chalet and newton circle. can also ask yun bout the prople there. haha, WITNESS!
so if one day i will to quit i will surely felt sad. recently zuanyin and jackson already left. i miss them :( they are really those that been with me and making my work happier and fun. so i guess people will part but remain in contact. i wishes them all the best and will definitely keep in contact with them.
let me show you my colleges, some come and go but for those good one, i remain in contact with them. :D

Julie, Aunty Lily, Yvonne, Michael, Winnie, Zuanyin, Pinky, Iskandar, Ann, Jackson, Ivy, Billy, ME, Allan, Nora and Celia. From Anti Clockwise.
Angie always pon gathering. she very homely la. and her favour phrase "suda lah~"
Will show your my pretty and kind manager, Angie, when she join in gathering :D

This is my seat at Tradewinds for the 9 weeks, i miss the phone and head set. i tink thats how a topical office look like. Note paste all over. but i have fun there lah.
Presenting to you the chocolate my sis brought for mum for mother's day. she was unable to celebrate with mum due to her job. but i tink she's sweet to remember mother's day. now she is in Japan and i tink i miss her. ok, shouldnt be mushy.
anyway the chocolate from San Fransico. she claimed its for mother day but it seem like a prefect gift for me. Mum call me to eat one haha. she brought other chocolate from japan too. sis is good cause she is buying me stuff every time she fly. thanks ah. :X
Taken during 30th April when i celebrate mum's bday and bring her to Plaza Singapura and Vivo City. Then my aunt saw it at Vivo-Giant and straight award she say "SEE, food for the cat, so many".
Taking a closer look. . .

And may is finally backed with this chocolate for me. The Panda Brand?! i dont know its from where most probably Finland since she study there. and i am really glad my motivator cum card reader is back.
Last of all. I felt like cutting short hair~

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