sOrt out my thoughts. i m nOt gOin to affect my priority. i have my stAnd. =D relieved. i choose to face e reality thought harsh. i will get over it.
fRiday always seen like a weekeNd, lessons are short n times passes real fast. =) i Love weekend. one shall learn hOw to relax. jUs like me, bUt i m nOt slackin =X.
bUt~ homeweek for this week is oMg. i did better rUsh finish them asap. we missed two poa lesson this week. kinda worried for this. i want to score in this sUbject. k, enOught of studies. i m gOin to play bball later. i jUs want exercise actually. i missed vOlleyball. hopefully my touch is there.
diAo. guessed wat. weicOng is out. dAMn unbelieveable, he is sUrely better than jAsOn in anyway. haha, jOjO nearly cried last night. silly gal!~ jUs cant figUre out y jAson kept enterin rOund by rOund when i think he shall lOng been out. argh~ its wasted. saw Hagen ytd at tV. n magazine-i weekly have them too. haha, hAgen n silver. unexpected. wateva~ jUs hOped kelly, derrick, candyce n jUn yang will be e last two finalist. JiayOu all e way. i lOve kelly's vOice. *thumb uP.
enjOy bits n pieces of my life. tC all. finally i get over it. mayb wat violents gals sAy is right. one mUs learn to let gO at times. i have learnt tis.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
things have changed.
things have changed.
Tinkin of alots recently, yet i have nOt figure ouT anythings. in facT, nths cOme out from my mind. And One thing fOr sure-i hate gUessin, its definately nOt my gAme.
always tellin myself i will jUs wan to fOcus in vOlleyball n studies. bUt sOme hOw i m bein distracted. jUs by myself. i cAnt stand myself at times. n i have a hard time expressin myself in certain wAy. =( wat is this craps!~ argh. this is nOt e way i wAn. deep within i have alOads Of words tO sAy. aLoads!
went to trainin ytd n was real tired. my homeworks~ -_-" i hate to be a O-level student. stress n Jus stress. bUt i will get over it sOon. study programme have started. english, cHem, maths etc. hopefully it helps. i dUn wan my effort to be gOne dOwn e drain. never.
have been very crazy recently in scHool. but tat will only be reCess or rather those free preriOd. Other than tat, i m On the study tracks fOr suRe. play sOccer at class today, n its fUn. bUt~ its definately nOt suitable fOr gals. i knOcked my head on e table edge n a bUm wAs there nOw, nOt obviOus bUt its pAin~ sIan diao.
things have changed bUt i m still e sAme. i wAn to be happy always. a smile will help. i hOped u r dOin well. tC loads everyone. bEst of lUcks.
i m never good at wORds.
Tinkin of alots recently, yet i have nOt figure ouT anythings. in facT, nths cOme out from my mind. And One thing fOr sure-i hate gUessin, its definately nOt my gAme.
always tellin myself i will jUs wan to fOcus in vOlleyball n studies. bUt sOme hOw i m bein distracted. jUs by myself. i cAnt stand myself at times. n i have a hard time expressin myself in certain wAy. =( wat is this craps!~ argh. this is nOt e way i wAn. deep within i have alOads Of words tO sAy. aLoads!
went to trainin ytd n was real tired. my homeworks~ -_-" i hate to be a O-level student. stress n Jus stress. bUt i will get over it sOon. study programme have started. english, cHem, maths etc. hopefully it helps. i dUn wan my effort to be gOne dOwn e drain. never.
have been very crazy recently in scHool. but tat will only be reCess or rather those free preriOd. Other than tat, i m On the study tracks fOr suRe. play sOccer at class today, n its fUn. bUt~ its definately nOt suitable fOr gals. i knOcked my head on e table edge n a bUm wAs there nOw, nOt obviOus bUt its pAin~ sIan diao.
things have changed bUt i m still e sAme. i wAn to be happy always. a smile will help. i hOped u r dOin well. tC loads everyone. bEst of lUcks.
i m never good at wORds.
Sunday, July 24, 2005

shuai!~ the wordin somehow destroy e picture. bUt nvm the face is still clear. lOve it. thankss to chel. sponser of pic. argh~ rOx!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
figure out finally.
jus another sAt. a bOrin sAturdAy.
nO trainins today n nO one gOin back to smb. nO lifE~ wateva mayb its nOt suitable to be playin now.
cOnfused. hope to figure it out asap. but i sOme sOrt tink i have figure it oUt. dO i? wateva~ i dUn wan to bother wit it. let things be e wAy it will be. i m mOvin on like i used to. my pAce.
talked bout ytd. have been enjOyin myself cause i m bUrnin away my fats by playin basketball. exercise~ great! cause nO ppl wan to becOme fat. hopefully i will grow taller toO. =P see i m walkin hard towards my goAls.
missed my vOlleyball. tats my dAy, bOrin n lifeless dAy. gotta dO my work later. all e way~
nO trainins today n nO one gOin back to smb. nO lifE~ wateva mayb its nOt suitable to be playin now.
cOnfused. hope to figure it out asap. but i sOme sOrt tink i have figure it oUt. dO i? wateva~ i dUn wan to bother wit it. let things be e wAy it will be. i m mOvin on like i used to. my pAce.
talked bout ytd. have been enjOyin myself cause i m bUrnin away my fats by playin basketball. exercise~ great! cause nO ppl wan to becOme fat. hopefully i will grow taller toO. =P see i m walkin hard towards my goAls.
missed my vOlleyball. tats my dAy, bOrin n lifeless dAy. gotta dO my work later. all e way~
Thursday, July 21, 2005
jUe dUi superstAr.
sOng deleted. =( i wAnted to change soNgs bUt actually fOrget hOw to. wAnted to changed tO Lin Jun Jie-dOu jiAo yOu tiAo. nIce sOng. if nOt jiu shi wO-lin Jun Jie sOng also la. but~ its actually sOng Hagen sing dUrin cOmpetitiOn lA. oOps~
ok, shAll sAy sOmething tAt i m gOin craZy over yTd. hAgen!!~ dAmn shuai, yet aloads keep insultin him, sAYin tat he loOk like gAy?! definately disagree!~ as nO gay loOk so shuAi, stylish etc. he jUs dance better tats y. lOls, admit tat i wAs kinda crazy over him. jUs find him excellent. bUt his perfOrmance yTd was so sAd. i mean he lOok sAd. wateva it is, he tried his best sO lets pRayed fOr him to gO into e sEmis. really hOpe so. if nOt derrick. JiayoU n prAy hard fOr them =D. all e wAy. but i prefer HAGEN of cause. =P
tOday gOt to wAtch e gAls rOund. =) vOte fOr kelly n chanel. i tink i m gOin crazy over sUperstAr. bUt i really like to see them perfOrmin. i lOve music~
shall end here. will fix back my sOng asap. all e best to HAGEN!!
tc all my friend. *smiles!~
ok, shAll sAy sOmething tAt i m gOin craZy over yTd. hAgen!!~ dAmn shuai, yet aloads keep insultin him, sAYin tat he loOk like gAy?! definately disagree!~ as nO gay loOk so shuAi, stylish etc. he jUs dance better tats y. lOls, admit tat i wAs kinda crazy over him. jUs find him excellent. bUt his perfOrmance yTd was so sAd. i mean he lOok sAd. wateva it is, he tried his best sO lets pRayed fOr him to gO into e sEmis. really hOpe so. if nOt derrick. JiayoU n prAy hard fOr them =D. all e wAy. but i prefer HAGEN of cause. =P
tOday gOt to wAtch e gAls rOund. =) vOte fOr kelly n chanel. i tink i m gOin crazy over sUperstAr. bUt i really like to see them perfOrmin. i lOve music~
shall end here. will fix back my sOng asap. all e best to HAGEN!!
tc all my friend. *smiles!~
Saturday, July 16, 2005
new blOg
nEw blOg skin agAin. uPside dOwn mE, kindA nice n simple. n e sOng-EveryTime i add myself, lOve it.
have been qUite sOme time sInce i blOg. gOt nO moOd fOr blOggin, bUt still i like to change to nIce n meaninfUl blOgskin. in fACt i m lAzy tO online nOwadays. sO bored.
chinese O`level have finAlly ended, -_-" bUt~ i tink i wOnt Get wat i expected. hAis, nOw cAn jUs prAyed fOr a B3. i dUn wAn to retAke. nV pls! sinCe its Over nO use sAyin sO all e best to Me bA. =) its only a fEw months mOre to o level, shALL reAlly mUg haRd. i will tRy nO matter wAt. *stRivin hArd. nOt mUch to sAy le, hereby all e bEst to all my fRiends. enJoys e remainin tImes together esp-viOlents gALs.
anYway, i missed vOlleybAll. tink my tOuch is kindA decreasin le. cOach sAy need to uSe some speciAl trAinin to get bAck. lOls, bUt its understAndable to deprOve with e lAck of trainin. (><,) nevertheless, nv will we give uP. =) tATs all, seein cOach todAy. =D yeAP!~ tC all.
have been qUite sOme time sInce i blOg. gOt nO moOd fOr blOggin, bUt still i like to change to nIce n meaninfUl blOgskin. in fACt i m lAzy tO online nOwadays. sO bored.
chinese O`level have finAlly ended, -_-" bUt~ i tink i wOnt Get wat i expected. hAis, nOw cAn jUs prAyed fOr a B3. i dUn wAn to retAke. nV pls! sinCe its Over nO use sAyin sO all e best to Me bA. =) its only a fEw months mOre to o level, shALL reAlly mUg haRd. i will tRy nO matter wAt. *stRivin hArd. nOt mUch to sAy le, hereby all e bEst to all my fRiends. enJoys e remainin tImes together esp-viOlents gALs.
anYway, i missed vOlleybAll. tink my tOuch is kindA decreasin le. cOach sAy need to uSe some speciAl trAinin to get bAck. lOls, bUt its understAndable to deprOve with e lAck of trainin. (><,) nevertheless, nv will we give uP. =) tATs all, seein cOach todAy. =D yeAP!~ tC all.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
xUe xUe b`dAy celebrATion. cheers~
=)a sPeciAl n meaningfUl dAy tOday. cauSe its rAre tAt all viOlents gAls gather tOgether excEpt sUling. wE celebrated Our belOved xUe xUe b`dAy. sUling hAve to wOrk, nO chOice. hAha, bUt understAndin de wO men wOnt blAme her. =D afterall, as lOng as xUe xUe enJoyed. oUr effOrt is wOrth it. i m sUre she is dAmn tOuch dUe to this unexpeCted sUrprise bY us.
[Our prefect pLan] lOls.
[aSked gEraldine tO asked her oUt with a certAin exCuse. *a cOnvincin One of cAuse]
[after which, we teNd to aCt in e shOppin mall that it's sO cOncidence tAt wE met eAch other.]
[cArry the present in My hand n jUs Act as if its miNe~ lOls, my Actin is gd~ nO dOubt k.]
[didnt bOther mUch bOut her n jUs sAy "bYe" tO her.]
[fOllow whiCh, we wEnt tO Jack plaCe n cAlled her tO jOin us aS geraldine wAn gO bUgis le.]
[relUctantly, she have nO chOice bUt to jOin us.]
[after which we jUs pretended nths hAppened n jUs Order Our meAl.]
[*climax. sUddenly rAchel cAme n dedicAte a sOng *happy birthdAy n a cAke appeared right infrOnt of xUe xue. haha, SURPRISE.]
[n we give xUe xUe our presEnt, fUll of thoughts n blessin.]
wAt a prefeCt plan right. (nn')lala~
actually xUe xUe thought we have fOrgotten bOut her bUt wRong~ despite being in different sChool, u r always one of uS!~ this will remain as fOreva. =D
we wEnt to admiralty gARden afterwArd tO continue e eNdless fUn. bbAll, vOlleybAll, playgrOund etc. Obviously, all of us enJoyed ourselves tO e fUllest.
the bbAll part. Omg(><,). rOugh play. sUay. i sUffer.
lOls. lOve the wAy we r. cRazy Us. =) bUt tats Our yOu diAn.
tat's my dAy. last Of all.
HAPPY B`DaY XuE XuE. bEst wishes in everything u dO. nv will we fOrget u. tis i prOmise. sO mUs u =). tC n stay hAppy always k.
[Our prefect pLan] lOls.
[aSked gEraldine tO asked her oUt with a certAin exCuse. *a cOnvincin One of cAuse]
[after which, we teNd to aCt in e shOppin mall that it's sO cOncidence tAt wE met eAch other.]
[cArry the present in My hand n jUs Act as if its miNe~ lOls, my Actin is gd~ nO dOubt k.]
[didnt bOther mUch bOut her n jUs sAy "bYe" tO her.]
[fOllow whiCh, we wEnt tO Jack plaCe n cAlled her tO jOin us aS geraldine wAn gO bUgis le.]
[relUctantly, she have nO chOice bUt to jOin us.]
[after which we jUs pretended nths hAppened n jUs Order Our meAl.]
[*climax. sUddenly rAchel cAme n dedicAte a sOng *happy birthdAy n a cAke appeared right infrOnt of xUe xue. haha, SURPRISE.]
[n we give xUe xUe our presEnt, fUll of thoughts n blessin.]
wAt a prefeCt plan right. (nn')lala~
actually xUe xUe thought we have fOrgotten bOut her bUt wRong~ despite being in different sChool, u r always one of uS!~ this will remain as fOreva. =D
we wEnt to admiralty gARden afterwArd tO continue e eNdless fUn. bbAll, vOlleybAll, playgrOund etc. Obviously, all of us enJoyed ourselves tO e fUllest.
the bbAll part. Omg(><,). rOugh play. sUay. i sUffer.
lOls. lOve the wAy we r. cRazy Us. =) bUt tats Our yOu diAn.
tat's my dAy. last Of all.
HAPPY B`DaY XuE XuE. bEst wishes in everything u dO. nv will we fOrget u. tis i prOmise. sO mUs u =). tC n stay hAppy always k.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
stRivin tOwards my gOals.
have been dAys since i bLog. here to UpdATe.
eh, nOt mUch actually. Other then sTudy jiu shi vOlleybAll. find Online sO bOred nOw, haha i rAther dO my Tys. anY sUbject will dO exCept cHemistRy, reAlly have a hard time handling tis sUbJect. always de-mOralise me, uNlike my physiCs. it have always been physIcs tat helps me get at leAst a pAss fOr my cOm sCience. sO u see, i simply nOe nUts bOut cHemistrY. bUt still i will dO my bEst, afterall mRs lAu is great. blAme on my poOr fOundatiOn, nO bAsic at all. argh-_-"!
qUite intO studies reCently. hOpefully this moOd lAst. k, enOught of sTudies.
anywAy, oUr class mIssed 2 PE lessOn liao(><,). nO life.
missed vOlleybAll. e pAssiOn still remAin.
tats abOut all i have to sAy. the bLog sOund is nice. lOve it. windstrUck sOng. =D
best wishes to everyOne.
eh, nOt mUch actually. Other then sTudy jiu shi vOlleybAll. find Online sO bOred nOw, haha i rAther dO my Tys. anY sUbject will dO exCept cHemistRy, reAlly have a hard time handling tis sUbJect. always de-mOralise me, uNlike my physiCs. it have always been physIcs tat helps me get at leAst a pAss fOr my cOm sCience. sO u see, i simply nOe nUts bOut cHemistrY. bUt still i will dO my bEst, afterall mRs lAu is great. blAme on my poOr fOundatiOn, nO bAsic at all. argh-_-"!
qUite intO studies reCently. hOpefully this moOd lAst. k, enOught of sTudies.
anywAy, oUr class mIssed 2 PE lessOn liao(><,). nO life.
missed vOlleybAll. e pAssiOn still remAin.
tats abOut all i have to sAy. the bLog sOund is nice. lOve it. windstrUck sOng. =D
best wishes to everyOne.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
my b`dAy 2005.
my dAy. went to trainins as usual. enjOy myself to e fUllest tis time. so fAr, tis is e mOst tirin trainins i have been. =) at least we benefit from it so its ok to be tired. i like e 18 sets stuffs, bUt we lOse all e three 18 sets. we jUs need to get 6 sets jiU win le bUt we eNd up with 5 sets fOr two times. bU gan yan man~ bUt i really enjOy it~ =). wEnt to sMb trainins right after tat. finAlly~ get to see cOach le. n finally sMb gals havin trainin le, great to see all my jUniors. they r still wOrkin hard so its goOd. passion fOr volleyball shall nv ends. *JiayOu sMb b`gAls 2006. trainins was quite alright bUt kinda sian cAuse all my ex team mates nv cOme except sAb. anyway, its was a great dAy ba.
i have given up. hate e way it is.
jUs want to fOcus on *studies n *vOlleyball. i wAn to dO well. *strivin.
cOme back to re-edit this pOst.
=)Jus wAnt tO thankss to thOse whO remembered my b`dAy n wishes me. truly appreciate it. thAnks. it was a greAt dAy, as least i m nOt alone. tC all. =D
finally i m 17yrs oLd.
i have given up. hate e way it is.
jUs want to fOcus on *studies n *vOlleyball. i wAn to dO well. *strivin.
cOme back to re-edit this pOst.
=)Jus wAnt tO thankss to thOse whO remembered my b`dAy n wishes me. truly appreciate it. thAnks. it was a greAt dAy, as least i m nOt alone. tC all. =D
finally i m 17yrs oLd.
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