Dearest Jie and yaocai got marry on 17.4.2011,
7 years ago, the exact same day, they got together.
:) so glad for both of them *bless them with a lifetime of happiness :D
they have their ROM, outdoor @ Seletar country club.
a pretty green event :D just a little too sunny :x
take a look at sis's DIY, so many !

Handmade Guest book;
this is just one page out of the many pretty one :D
the "MR" & "MRS" cube places at the guest table,
sis wrapped those cube with some nice paper and stick the wording onto those cube.

their initial J & G,
yes yaocai make this out.
Honeymoon fund letterbox alike, for angbao(s) collecting.
Handmake by yaocai, very vintage !
cant believe right!

the welcome board at the entry.
sis wrote/paint them :)

almost forget their handmade invitation card too ! :)
those words are meaningful right! :)

the memory lane featuring their photo.
sis printed those out in mini piece and clip it at some string for display.
backdrop with wording "HITCHED" for photo-taking,
this too was done by sis, they brought a cloth and crave the wording out.
that's about all for the DIY, one word - effort. :)

Wedding cake with roses cupcake! :)
& incase you think this is made by them, it's not.
sis cant bake for godness sake, but amazingly yaocai CAN haha!
guess you have enough of non-human photos,
now to the Beautiful weds & the guest :)

bride & groom.

family ♥.
on a side note: favourite grey wedges was spoiled :(

calvin finally in a picture :p

the bride & her happy mummy!

with the mother(s).

my uncle's son, totally alike to his dad :)
see them playing the fan that sis prepared for the guest.
thoughtful for an outdoor event, it's for us to fan ourselves.

yaocai's sis child. very cute!

sis's childhood friend - Minping since primary school friend,
was so grateful i am still in contact with my primary school mate :)

the friend who really helped sis alot :)
at MBS hotel for post party :)
notice that i curl my hair?
me & B~
with all these, i am ending with this :)

From the bottom of my heart,
Wishing my only sister a lifetime of happiness and bless with a happy family in making :)
with lotsa love, hugs and kisses: Jingting.
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