Friday, November 30, 2007
sian sian sian FSRC finishing!!
school is stress especially when its coming to an end. :( got the stopover report, personal selling repost, stock trading report and stock trading powerpoint. oh dear.
and guess wat, i got to submit then by another 8-10days. not even 2 week lo. @#$%! HOW?!
and i just finish my corporate finance 10 page report and powerpoint and the RUSSIA powerpoint. am really goin to be killed by stress. so god damn stressful and reluctant to move on. just plan lazy and lack of much motivation.
mind you, is not easy job. i am already giving my best.
and i seriously cant stand one of my group member, i surely will not want to be same group as her for classical and another stopover. i am glad i go throught this already, not one more time when i cant stand rubbish work :D
and MARY is going over to ELDC and then FINLAND. she make us screw up or powerpoint for russia. :( hais, to tink of my result, i am much worried seriously.
wat to do, i really did my best and ya, i move on, not wanting to look behind. hais.
ok, not here to complain and upset about.
backed to some other thing.
gillian, fangshuai and angie already gotten their license. triple-stress. i am really afraid i will FAILED. hais, i do my best too la. but, lets see hows its go. my test is very soon coming, not going to write the date cause i am very mi xin this time. but pls pray for me. thansk people.
and for the very last time, i want to thanks those who buy my cookies and voucher. u guys sure helped me alot. i appreciate and i honestly tink the cookie is nice. right? :) :) :)
thats about all, till all project finished i will come back with the result of my driving and more interesting post.
tkcare all.
can vgals pls tag me to tell me whether u guys free to meet this coming wed.
i plan to meet out at mos burger ( sunplaza) during evening time for some chatting session.
venue : sun plaza mos burger
time : most probably 6pm
currently confirm : ME and Qiuyun.
tag me gals and pls pass this msgs to the others just incase they didnt see my blog.
Friday, November 16, 2007
i am damn stress out by the projects!!!
am already quite use to the timing. but the project still remain truckloads. HOW???!!
feel like just walking off and say bye bye to those project but hais, as if i can. so damn sian already. i find it really tough for projects.
ok, i will stop whinning about it. -_-" life still go on.
finally, weekend is coming to give me a good break~ yeap!
thats about it. :( i dunno wat else to talk about. totally no mood. mood shall return when project are all done. shall update again. tkcare all :)
*glen, not only banking student, even sport & wellness people have to do those personal selling. its a must for this semester know as "TEACHING ENTERPRISE PROJECT" which is tep. so, wat can we say. 10% of our result some more.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
project project. damn sian hais hais hais.
btw, for those who want to purchase those cookies, voucher or donut from me pls get back to me next yr around jan or feb. cause i will be selling one more time. school say its compulsory. -_-"
so potiential customer pls pls wait for it to be back and buy from me again haha. but product seeling may be different. and i will surely blog cause it work wonders :)
so, anything. for those who already brough from me. the delivery will be NEXT WEEK. 22ND NOV 2007. i will sms your or blog here to let ur know. if i can i will try to deliver to doorstep. if not, mrt is the best i can cause i need to do quite a few delivery. will appreciate it :)
thats about all. i am tired. tuition today. -_-
tkcare ppl.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
-Differences between soccer and football-
1)football aka american football got no goal keeper but soccer have.
2)unlike football, soccer got score it into the goalpost.
3)Soccer, totally no hand contact with the ball except for throw in, if not it'll be a foul. play with only legs. and body contact sometimes is a foul too.
For American Football, its play like rugby but u dun have to throw back. and usually u play using hands, sometime u kick the ball to score but u kick it above the "goal area".
thanks von~ totally sure. its just that we call it RUGBY in singapore, and they call it american football :)
AND!! one more difference~ the american football is not round but oval shape and soccer ball must be round.
so nothing much to blog bout except for -
once again, project come together. @#$%^&!
-Financial Times (Vol. 2) due 16th Nov
-China EnerSave analyist due on 26th Nov
-Financial Times (Vol. 3) due 30th Nov
-Stock Trading game due on 3rd Dec
-Personal Selling Report due 14th Dec
-_-" alot work to do on the stock trading game and the China Enersave analyist. damn SIAN. but i hope this time round we can do better. as if more effort not that brief too. i got to really buck up. hais. felt so slacked. please pray for me.
and i hate the way FSRC is being managed. just about the lateness thingy. its unfair. i wont elaborate too much. as far as i am concern, i just got to arrival 8.30am sharp.
and if they think this is the right way, just go ahead. wat can i say. i just want to past my 9 week here peacefully. voicing out in a good way doesnt help, i tried.
not everyone is treated equally. i know. :) and i cant be bother anymore. all i am concern is 4 and a half week to go. i cant wait for it to finished. but honestly i scared classical too. feel so not here and there.
and let me clarified, i do like here as i do learn lots of things but the lateness thing make me dislike school.
so NOW!! trying hard to maintain my 8.29am arrival time. haha, cause once the clock hit 8.31am. it simply mean LATE.
pray pray pray.
i already break the record, pass semester i am late almost every day. but now so far 2 times. i tink its unbelievable. those who know me should noe. i am never early :D lols.
what else to say, my tuition resume today and i am feeling really tired. :( and i am not sure whether my student will be taking the test as he already skip the offical exams due to chicken pox.
but i will try my best to teach. :)
most probably goin to cycle there today :) one thing to cheer me up. exercise.
thats all, :( when so many thing came at once i just dun feel like blogging. tkcare all.
Friday, November 09, 2007
HAHAHA, its like finally and mr piao sponser it. :)) even better. but~ movie ticket was at $9.50 per person and its WEDNESDAY lo. due to EVE OF PUBLIC HOLIDAY. -_-" wondering is there any discount for indian that day. :X
so we end up watching as i cant resist the temptation. furthermore mr piao seen "wiling" to pay. in conclusion, will grade it 7/10. if to choose, GAME PLAN is better. GAME PLAN is just nice, sweet and i am kind of into the joe kingston hahaha.
didn't release he is so handsome until the show, nice build too. omg. why is mr piao only tall, thin and just so idiotic.most probably buying the "GAME PLAN" vcd when its out.
so now some photo featuring the handsome - JOE KINGSTON. :) i tink i am really quite into sport person.

i always wanted a tall (>180cm), tanned, good in sport; any sport will do, have the charisma, filial, caring and sensible type of guy. and honestly i am very much into "ou xiang" drama. those very prefect guy and romantic thing.
no one will dislike romantic happening, just make sure it dun turn out too mushy and thing will be fine. :)
so below is the rating of my ou xiang ju.
1) Meteor Garden
2) Devil Beside You
3)Princess Hour
4) Why Why Love
5) Gong S
6) Hua Yang Shao nian Shao nu
remember that time i still went to heeren to see them. trust me, F4 was really popular back then. and ya, i like JERRY YAN the most. even til today, he look so prefect-type-of-guy. ok, back from the dreamland.
did i mention mr piao alway say his 3/4 face was like JERRY YAN? feel like struggling every time he say that and my answer " NOT AT ALL". :D
and sadly, i didnt finish GONG S cause was busy with exam and lazy too. now i regret it, cause now its showing at the channel U. it just seem so nice. but i will borrow again to watch. omg~
i heard about the "gong zhu xiao mei". will go watch it some day :)
thats enough for the dreaming part.
so weekend coming again. and personal selling finish today. how great!! just feel relieved~
for the last time,
AND know wat!!! there will still be one more time cause i having 2 stopover. nyp!! making use of us la. :( but its sometime next yr feb or jan. damn sian.
and before i end, can i pls ask
"whats the difference between soccer and football?"
tats all, tkcare. will update again on mon. nice weekend.
and a nice pic to end it all :)

fainted. lols.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

and personal selling is finishing soon. thanks to those that support and already make payment. appreciate it people :) i tink i am most probably going to submit today. :)
another project submission tml. -_-" lucky report is already done and left with the powerpoint. pray pray pray.
went to see my email today and come across this one about the bonsai kitten. -_-" damn cruel la. let the photo do the talking.
the email say this "product" is spreadin in New York, Indonesia and New Zealand. A japanese tried to squeeze the kitten into galss bottle or jar, after that 2 straws are inserted into the glass, one to feet the cat and one to clear its excretion.
And inorder to make the car grow in the shape of bottle, they feet it with drug that soften the kitten's bone. omg la. just feel so pain.
and i actually show my class mate this email and they say the cat can go in one leh. but pls la, u look at the above picture, the hole is so small even if cat is very flexible but which cat will want and can go in?
and the stupid alex show me a video to support his statment, the video is how cat get into tissue box. wa lau, tissue box u conpare with glass jar? and the tissur box is paper one leh. will hurt the kitten meh. he is only good at predicting stock price and keep telling our group we cant be "LAGGARD".
next time if can i find his photo and post it. LOLS.
and the stock i buy is dropping like mad. like wth la. UOB UOB ! drop a freaking lot of $1.10 a share ytd. with my rate of buying 2 lots i already loss a total of almost $2200. can u imagine?
UOB have make me a very bad stock anayist and i am going to kana say by this alex for the rest of my FSRC. he always buy on instinct but always earn. i buy with support from news but always dropped. :(
OK, I going to do my powerpoint and i tink of changing a new blogskin :)
Takecare all. btw, how to put the nuffnang add at the left hand side? anyone?
Thursday, November 01, 2007
too much people to thanks so i guess you guys know who your are. i just want to thanks your sincerely.
so have not blog for few day. *haha, actually its becos i wan let ur to see the personal selling in my blog lols. thanks la~
so absent from school ytd, felt so bad. but nowadays kind of busy with those truck loads of project. cant ever rest much~
1) Stock Trading Game - On Going for 1 month *wa lao! can faint
2) The Citibank Project - Submission coming mon 5th Nov
3) Newsapaper Article - Present on 5th Nov to head of banking & finance
4)Personal Selling - Due in 9th Nov
alot comment TEP is slack but i tink for FSRC is not at all slack. yes at times its slack but hardly with all those project. help me ar~ lols.
due to those boring project i got no ideas to blog. sorry~
but one thing i do today, i go join the "nuffnang". i seriously dunno wats that about. just join cause sis say join lols. she join already using flutterrunway.
so can anyone tell me how to play that lols. really amazed with the website cause just after an hour i join alot tap me already. lols, but how does it really work?
hais. tinking of project make me feel like sleeping. and i wan buy camera. so mr piao are u willing to sponser? i will be more than happy. this is my wish for christmas, haha. but i dun tink he will see my blog.
just pray la. lols. SONY and not panasonic ok! :P
no picture for today but one interesting site. here you go.
its a book when u go in. try typing at the right side where the cursor is and it will reply. kind of amazing but after some time i got bored. just give it a try. :)
i promise to blog more nice thing next time. really tired and tired of school.
i dun tink i can hit 20 visitors a day lols. tkcare people. :)
seriously~ school cant be more boring.
tkcare all. and lastly a big THANKS!!!