anyway, i decide not to post things bout my relationship here anymore. cause at this moment things may go smooth for us but another moment we are break. so i just kept it to myself. -_-" felt irritating cause things is always chnaging for us. anyway,
we are still together. but like i say, it may change at the next moment. who's noe? so mayb just pray for me~
i was
not selected ytd. it was the last selection. the feeling jus sucks. cant really describe,
disappointed, sad or mayb
anger or jus a mixture of those. for this past few months, i went to trainin regularly but this make me feel even more unfair. wats the use of goin trainin? i really dun understand.
y must they give empty promise but at the end of it, they just say
a few words to put an end to their empty promise. is this how they settle it.
i wasnt mentally prepared. not at all i should say. all i noe is they assured us we will be goin. but now? ya, everyone will say the world is unfair. the reality is harsh. wat else can i do, i am really tryin hard to get over it and done with.
huijun told me i need nOt say anything to those that are in the Main 12 cause they will never understand how i feel. and she told me bout her story and alot more. it did enlighten me in some wAy and i believe she did understand hOw i really feel. she told me nO matter how hard i tried to get over it, it will at least take a few month. and there will be
post feelin. jus hate all this feelin.
but afterall i did not shed a tear for this matter, i tried to hold back every single tear that nearly fall down. cause it's not worth it, not worth it for those few word they say. i really tried my best and since i am not selected for wateva reason. i shall just admit i am jus
not good enough. still, i tink it's unfair. i cant say it out here. those close to me will noe. still, i wish them all the best. =)
bu an sab, if ur will to reAd this. jus to let ur nOe i jus need some times to get over it. after this, i will be fine. remember
[Once a team mate, forever we are]. all the best to both of ur ba. =D
it's my
last day at x sQuare todAy. it's a
last min decision cause my interview at reD earth was successful and i was inform to atteNd the trainin from tml onwards. kinda lookin forward to it. =P new experiencE. but i felt guilty for jus leavin like tat. my manager dun seen to bE very hAppy, but he say he will respect my dEcision. hais,
damn she bu de my colleges. this three months plus workin there sure have feelin for the shop and the people over there le. they are all very nice people. =(( i prOmise i will surely go back n visit them!! MISS!~
thanks for teachin me so mUch and bringing me jOy. =D
tats about all. quite a long post. i wanted to stopped playin volleyball for the moment. i suddenly have this feelin. hais. see, the feelin is comin again!! wateva, will blog soon =)