shall just do a random update of the recent(s).
:X i do really want to blog long ago,
but procrastination & laziness dominated HAH.
enough of excuses, here's we go. :D
with my ex-team 5's colleagues at call center, taken at end June.

Here's a group shot, finally one :D
gonna remember them for good :)
& before i forget, they actually give me a surprise during my last day at call center.

they got me SUNFLOWER ! :D nice yea!
remind me of this song "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy ..."
Just want to say that "i've always been glad to be part of team 5, with the understanding AM & M + fun-loving team mates" :)
moving on to July, which is my birthday month ! *OLD LIAO. :(
the ex-TCOs was really nice !
they came back to visit me at my new workstation with a cake + a few angry birds HAHA.

these birds have been such a trend now, it's everywhere!
but honestly speaking, i never tried the game before.
is it really that addictive? hmm.
if they come across this, just want to say "THANKS!"
not forgetting the present Evelyn, Angie, Madeline & Crystal got for me :)

the reason why i have started listening to FM93.3
Thanks ladies ! :)
Not forgetting this card from B !

:) spent my birthday at Batam this year,
will do up a post on the trip.
& anyway, had my 2nd DB race in this July! :)
here's the rowers! :D
enjoyed :)
alright, shall end randomly too with this . .

Taiwan was mad fun and love !
a post on that too !
Life is difficult if you pretend to be someone you're not.
Moral: Be yourself at all times :)
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