this explained the lack of updates.
furthermore, i don't like a post without photo hence i usually skipped wordy post.
have been undergoing training during work, this marked the 4th tax i am learning. & this being the most tough that i have learned so far.
i hoped i pass the test in the next 2 weeks really.
in addition, the sup role was challlenging, at least to me.
it's like "learning together", and i am glad my team temp are all really learning thing fast.
i was quite amazed by their knowledge in such short span of time and so surprised when they "bao nian" to me during new year and giving me present/msg during 14/2.
*all this will be so sweet thinking back :) *thanks you all!
as for me giving training to them, the bad was i have to stayed back to prepare slide and myself for that day.
but good thing is, it's a good experience of standing in front of like 30 people and teach.
good enough, no more phobia of talking in front of so many :)
for now, am trying hard to adapt to this fast-pace new scope of work + getting my pace in studying.
my prelims for POA is next week, wish me lucks!
for now, before i end, as promised the SURF&SWEAT photo :)

can see it was mad sunny right?
i got so black :(
P/S: Can 1st march not come so soon?!
enjoy all your weekend !
"Loving is living and if you don't love what you are doing, then that is not living."
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