dont you think that 365days passes by real fast?!
even since i started working and my part time studying,
everything is so fast-speed,
so much so that i love holiday alot more now,
cause its when there's no stress and everything finally become slow pace.
:) one should really learn to relax and enjoy life at the right time.
and so i am just back from Genting few days back.
it's always nice to spend christmas at a foreign land,
and with that being our first christmas,
i pretty much enjoyed myself.
& like all of your have said,
Genting really have nothing much,
but companionship have filled it back :)
i want to come up with a 2011's resolution and flash back of 2011 post soon!
that's if time allowed :)
and for now,
Christmas Eve's update + some of the xmas exchange/present i have gotta.
Exchange with my company's girl basketball team;
settled our dinner at The Rice Table near Shaw, buffet dinner at $28++

love the team :)

the gingerbreadman we are holding is bake by nana,
so sweet right :D *thanks girl!
& unglam me! :P

on a side note: i was really hungry then and yes, i ate 15 wings :x

epic! :P
and this is what i got ~
cute stuff + cardholder from Priscilla;
love the cloth cardholder (top left).
Exchange with my department's colleages at Orchard Country Club;
thanks to Kechia, Grace and Tingting for organising :D
i have much fun from the games !

the sushi + unagi gang HAHA!

game in process.

group photo!
here's self made cake by Grace;
really thoughtful and professional right! :)
and i gotta myself this . .
Monopoly's deal from Tingting;
i am still figuring out how to play and good thing is many said that it's fun ! :)
exchange on 28th with violent girls,
i am happy that we are still intact.

me + von.

joanna + huiting.

4 out of 7 was there,
hopefully the 19th jan steamboat potluck have all present pls! :)

& i won the most ugly face made FML, lols!
and i gotta . .
Crystal necklace from Joanna;
huiting was saying that it was similar to the 9pm show, the one tangying wear, true?
*Looking forward to 19th Jan! :) til then, see you girls soonest!
& here's some present i gotta from my work.
thanks people !
last but not least,
my christmas eve.
went to vivo to have late lunch after work (half day, yay!)
and spotted this, so picture!
unique tree that we saw, but cant take picture with :(
highlight of my eve was. .
we went to Icing room to decorate our 1st gingerbreadman's cake!
major cute :D
so how have your christmas been ? :)
i enjoyed mine.
P/S Genting 25th-27th on another post, too much photos :P
When you truly love someone, you forgive their mistakes. Mainly because it's the mind that gets angry, but the heart still loves them.