Jazzlin - the very blurr gal i must say but thanks for her company, i have go through the 9 weeks.

Shiyun - a melody-forever fan. she like melody alot and she is my senior there. another very fun gal i know there. envy her everyday home cook food.
lastly, present to you my senior who guided and teaches me alot during my stay there.

Joanne Lee - the senior that always craps with me about jazzlin and the tour guide. not to mention, she teaches me alot. thanks!! hereby wishes her good lucks in SIM. :D i will heed ur advice regarding the uni thing. :D
the big family. With all my friends that was attached there and the counter staffs, namely jansen, joanne and shiyun.
Those are my 9weeks outbound attachment at Tradewinds. i am missing those days already. never to forget all of them :)
come to tink of it, i have yet to take any photos with maddie :(
thats about all. lets end with a long past due photo taken at chinese new year with my dearest cousins. :D they are part of my reason why i look forward to new year. loves.

anyway congrat to Joanna Teh for making it in her driving. she can offically drive. maybe one day we can drive vgals out when both of us are more stable.
each will take 4 gals. how cool. i am really looking forward to meet up. hais. anyway xue call me today at Hongkong. one sweet friend of mine that always make the effort to maintain our friendship. i am becoming to love her more. am really happy to hear from her. :D xue, pls start saving and stop making me jealous of your trips to HongKong. :)
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