indeed i had a lots to update.
ok, talk bout my O level resUlt. i score 15pts fOr R4 n 19pts fOr R5.
eNglish B4
sCience B4
mAths B3
cOm hUmilities B3
Chinese B3
Poa A2
=) i m happy fOr myself. at leAst i tRied my best in a way Or anOther :P
bUt~ gUess wAt? my blue slip wRote I cant participate JAE as i m bein directly admitted to Jc becos of e DAE-JC.
the DAE-JC stuff happened last yr mid june. we wEnt fOr tat cAuse of vOlleyball. but i didnt knew the consEquences wAs tat we cannot chOose to gO poly if we are abLe to gO jc. i really regretted signin uP. at the saMe time i find it hard to fAce cOach n of cOs nyjc volleyballer. still, i reAlly hOpe they understand my stAnd. without a A maths fOundatiOn, i doubt i can survive in there cause i wEnt to the H1 maths befOre. aNd i dun understand ANYTHING.
the dAy i toOk my resUlt. was really in a mixture of feElin. hapPy, sAd, guilty. . .
i wEnt to appeal for DAE poly. i went to sp n nyp.
1st chOice-bAnkin n finance. both my first choice in both poly is the same.
i mus really prays cause the DAE intake nOt much i guessed. gOd bless!!
tats all fOr nOw. will update soOn. (:
anyway here are some picture on a "ou xiang ju" named [er mo zai shen bian].
highly recommend!! love it lots. =)

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