Friday, December 31, 2004

friendly mAtch`JurOng..

finAlly~ friendly mAtch wit JurOng tOday.. wE wOn 3-2!! hAppy =).. mAke lOtsa mistake i tink, kept recieve the first ball to the opponent's bAck cOurt.. tinkin tAt can de fen.. dAmn! wasted alOt.. afterall, my settin is still oki, lOts more tO imprOve i tink.. will JiayOu n hOpe becOme more 'wEn'.. tOday, all the spikers has dO well i tink, sAbrina hAs start tO imprOve n ahBu is becOmin better.. the team spirits is gEttin better i tink.. all the way sMb'b gAls.. Our 4th sEt wAs the mOst excitin oNe.. but end up i hAi Our tEam tO lOse.. =( sOrry~ the sCore i tink is 29-27.. JurOng de nO.7 spiking is qUite goOd, friendly alsO.. nOw, i cAn feel tAt all Of Us wAn tO dO well in Our lAst nOrth zOne.. defend xInmIn n phs!! hOpe we will wOrk hArd tOwards the tArget, nOt lettin wAng lAo shi n cOuch dOwn.. yi dIng hui wOrk haRd.. went tO bBall cOurt after trAinin tOday, sAw him.. happy bA, cOntent le.. i dUn ask fOr mUch, Jus hOpe tO see him enOugh le.. at night, ahbu n kOking cOme tO my hOuse wAtch 'tOu yU'.. it wAs a niCe show! lOve it to the mAx, i like the lOve relatiOn between ah qi n hOngdOu.. haha =p.. cRy lOtsa time wAtchin the sHOw.. afterall, it's wAs great!! gOt to nOe he interested in the shOw toO.. bUt nO one wAnts tO lent him.. tAt's bOut all tOday, nThs special.. Jing wOrkin hArd tO fuiful her dReams nOw.. never sAy die.. (nn')..

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

zhOng yu miNg bAi le..

tOday friendly with shuqun is cAncel.. =( nvm, lOok fOrward to tis thursdAy de friendly wit jurOng bA.. liChing n hweecHee cOme n see Our trainings, sO hAppy tO see them.. sOrt of miss them lOads.. bUt we did bAdly.. lOse tO nyjc 3-0.. all lOse by 3 pOints Only.. lAst few pOints all i shi wU de.. -_-" sOrry!! dUnno wAt hAppen tO my kAi qUi.. seen nOt wen liAo.. gOtta tRain harder le.. cOme to nOe tAt next yEar nOrth zOne stArts vEry eArly.. 17th jAn sTart le.. nO mUch time left.. JiayOu!! tis yEar is my lAst yr le.. sAme fOr lishAn, kAini, sAbrina n ahbU.. mOst Of the mAin plAyers will be leAvin le.. =( sAd n she bu de.. buT mOst impOrtant, is tO dO Our beSt as a team fOr Our lAst yr.. sO tAt Our effOrts wOnt bE bAi fEi.. i believe As lOng As we dO our bEst we will hAve nO regrets.. *TEAM->[T]ogether [E]veryOne [A]chieve [M]iraCle..* at night, tAlk On msn wIt him.. frOm 12 plus or 1 tO fOur plus, wAs hAppy tO nOe wAt he wAs thinkin.. times rEally dRift us aparT lAst time.. =( i reAlly hAve to admit even if i tRy mY best tO sPend times wIt him the times we have is really heng shaO.. the times we are tOgether is Only bBall, nv even gO oUt Once.. n even i tink i pUt him befOre vbAll bUt the fActs is vbAll seen tO hAve tAken mOst Of my times.. reAlly sOrry, me dO hAve regrets.. bUt vOlleybAll tO me is a Must.. i gOt nO chOice.. i dun wiSh tO let mY ex-sEniors n teamAtes dOwn, sO i gOt tO wOrk hArd.. fOr my wOrk i Already pLan tO work till tis nEw yR n i wiLL qUit le.. fOr my x-cOuntRy, i jus wAn tO finish my lAst rAce.. the nAtiOnal x-cOuntry.. hEng xiAng he ni zAi yi qI bUt nOw i dUn tInk i cAn pUt dOwn my vbAll n x-cOuntry.. tHus, it's my lAst yR le.. n if we will to be bAck, i hOpe tO have mOre times wIt you.. also, i nOe u hAve e phObia tAt if wE are pAtch we will eNd uP like lAst time.. bUt sAme fOr me, i dO have the phObia Of lOsin yOu again if i will tO hAve yOu bAck.. after bEin Hurt bY k.y, i already hAve the phObia tO put in all i hAve intO a relAtiOnship.. sCare tO get hUrt agAIn.. hOwever fOr Our relatiOnship, i still give in all.. bUt wE still end le.. =( ever siNce 23th Of april, i hAve nv given uP on you.. hOpin tAt One dAy we will be bAck.. nOw, i give yOu my prOmise.. Once i hAve settled everythings and tink hAo hAo tAt i will be abLe tO mAnage my times.. i will be bAck~ i hOpe yOu gOt my meAnin.. i nOe yOu may nOt hAve the will tO wAit till then.. sO if u ever like sOme oNe le, Jus gO fOr it bA.. i wOnt blAme yOu n bY tAt time, it's e time tAt i rEally hAve tO let gO.. wAtever it is, me xi wAng u'll be hAppy always.. lEt fAte deCide everythings.. pi li pA lA wU(."(",)..

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Saturday, December 25, 2004

xmAs e eve 24th..

i hAte xmAs n the eve.. hAve lOtsa bAd mEmOries on tAt dAy lAst yR.. =(.. it's gOtta be a very bOrin dAy.. siAn! siAn! siAn! wOrkin lOng hOurs aGain tOday.. bUt rAther then stAyin at hOme alOne.. never pLans tO CelebrAte bA.. tOday rEceive a wAtch frOm yp.. =) mY first xmAs gift bA.. *winks.. at night, finAlly deCide tO sms him a merry xmAs.. bUt after a shOrt while we nv sms le.. dUn wiSh tO disturb him bA.. ytd we finAlly sms le.. hAppy, bUt feel tAt's soMething is wrOng with us.. it seen tAt we hAve nOthings tO tAlk.. till nOw, i find bOth Of us weird.. hAi, i am tirEd Of takin the fiRst stEp le.. when will he tAke the firSt sTep? i Am reAlly wOnderin? wAt am i hOldin On tOO.. wAitin.. -Jing'-'..

Friday, December 24, 2004

sAd dAy fOr Jing

tOday is 23th of dec.. Jus have a friendly match wit ngee ann.. =) happy cause we have won.. 3-2.. even we never really do well, but happy to win le.. have gain experience ba.. goin to train extra hard for the upcomin north zone i supposed.. also gotta noe our school x-country will be held on 20th jAn.. nOw then i realise i dun have muCh time left tO train for x-cOuntry.. bUt jus dun wiSh tO give up.. will dO my beSta fOr nAtiOnals bA(nn').. currently tis is my 2 li xiAng.. =) tOday bOther by a xin shi.. qUite sAd i cAn say.. am i sensitive? hAi, i am sOrry but i cAnt stOp myself frOm tinkin.. when u sAy 'yes' i am already disappointed.. nOe ya jUs wAn her tO be happy n cHeer her up.. bUt tink in my plAce, will u feel e sAme? reAlly dunno.. ytd nv even sms or chAt in msn.. shOuld i really give up? stOp fAn-ing u? issit really impossible between the two of us le? lOts of lOts of questiOns.. i really miss the time we r together.. xiang hui dao guo qu.. Jing`sAd.. zhen de yAo fAng qI ma? ='( my third li xiAng is "be with ya bAck, hAppy as ever.."