this year, we was talking about it and decided that we should have the resolution made, together. :)

yes, we need to change for the better!

1) Being a graduate in 2012, result will be released in end Aug 2012 and i am facing the final exams this May 30th. *Am already very stress out.
Good news is i passed all modules this year :)
Continue fighting hard for my very last year, i will.

2) Up our saving to a certain figure :D
Not going to be an easy achievable figure since we round it up! *Save save save!

3) A better prospect for our career, will follow Tan Z Y soon!
Know it's not going to be easy to leave the comfort zone and 2012 is gonna be a bad year we know, but we want to try it out. It's a difficult choice and definitely a big step. All for our future, we will work hard together! :)

4) Better discipline in our time management, cannot waste our leave un-necessary as well as the punctuality. We sucks so bad at this! :P

5) Spending of quality time with family, for them to be bless with good health.
I might not be the best daughter but all i want was mum to feel fortunate for having her 24-yrs-old-talking-non-stop-daughter with her when she need me or not.

6) Being appreciative in our life for everything that comes. That's of cause includes our relationship. Apart from that, family as always remain close to heart :) *yes b, will hold on tightly ok!

7) Watching out more for our health, in fact my report last year was not really good :( Plus i need to overcome my killer mens cramps! hate to rely on painkiller. *more apple, no coke!

8) Travel more, i want Japan or Australia soon.
But i already booked Hongkong in 2012 Aug! Gonna go zhuhai, macau, shenzhen! *Any hotel recommendation?

9) Buy a car when everything on this list go smoothly. :) Honda FIT (White) FTW, prolly a second hand car to start with since the COE is killing!
Alright, that shall be it!
Shall work hard toward this nine :D you too TAN Z Y!
& if you are interested, my very similar 2011 resolution here:
2011's resolution.