i saw shin cried because of crown princess =((
damn love the last two two volume, i cried along with them. damn touching. hais, but reality do happen? i doubt so. still, love the show damn lots. it will be listed in my favourite show list *thumb up!!
currently in IT class, learning excel. so far i am still quite ok. trying to follow up, and seriously my IT teacher for this sememster is so much better. :) but. . . this semester alot of my tutorial n lecterer @#$%^ sian. anyway, i like my statistic tutorial n lecturer, its the same person anyway. she is strict but her teachin is good =D love it.
i am attending volleyball trainin regularly now. yes, i wan to train back.
and i only work 15 hours this week. hais. its ok.
i decide to change wallet again =P I jus brought a tyco colour one from top shop few month ago. sinful =P i wanted to buy a guess one. =) i will get it by end of the week. hopefully. :) my pay is 7 days away! yeap~
i wanted a new phone. thinkin bout N73 but my plan not ended yet n no money ar. some day let me pick up some 100 dollars or wat. wahaha.
ok, before i end take a look at the this :)

Redearth-Secret Potion. *beSt seller. :D
that about all. i actually wanted to show ur the limited edition-DISCO ANGEL but i cant save the pic. but if ur are interested. here's the web www.redearth.com . its a new launch for the comin christmas. :)
tats about all. santo clause is comin to tOwn. my holiday comin too =D LOVELY.