Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm yours by jason mraz.

Lyrics | Jason Mraz lyrics - I'm Yours lyrics

finally, i found the song in full version,
refer to mixpod :D

this song brings back memories, alot.

first time i came about this song was at Esprit Dinner&Dance 2008, held at SENTOSA - outdoor.

yes, i used to work part time there for going two years after Red Earth closed down.
The one at Somerset - Centrepoint, i bet most of your should know right or perhaps visited me before :D

great working environment, with understanding boss on my MIA and fun-loving colleagues.

so previously, i was at REDEARTH.
where i learn makeup, trimming eyebrow etc.
commission-pay was good :)

on a recall on what i have work before,
its kind of amazing as the variation was very wide.

beauty adviser, tutor, clinic assistant, sales person, banquet, surveyor, event job.

thats what growing up should be?
i would said those experience is worth, ALL OF THEM :)

then again can i not grow up at such a rate,
and now i am already working at MY FIRST FULL TIME JOB for going a year already.


random-ness : should i cut bangs?

be honest :D


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