Sunday, August 23, 2009


this is what i get when doing one of the statistic in facebook.

According to

I have 567 friends, 447 more than average.
43% are male, 57% are female.
178 are single, 193 are dating or married.
If I contracted a deadly variant of flu, I would likely infect 14 people, 2 of whom would die.
When I share something on Facebook, it is typically viewed by 33 people.
If I died today, an estimated 584 people would try to attend my funeral.
Based on my Facebook profile, I have a 94% probability of getting married.
I am likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.6 children over my lifetime.

this sounds kind of funny, cos where to get 584 people to attend my funeral when i only get 567 friends.

hahaha. NOT TRUE.

whichever lar, for me doing it means i am bored.

i am sleeping so much that i am having headache lar.
enough of this, i am gg to find activities to do now!

side track : my twitter acount is set up.

kindly follow me @

i seriously got no idea how it works, but the widgets at my left hand column seems cool.


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